
Is That a Swastika in Someone's Pool?

by Gina Vaynshteyn

Apparently, someone in Brazil decided it would be a brilliant idea to decorate the bottom of their pool with a swastika. Like, a humongous swastika, big enough to be detected by police flying overhead in a helicopter. I can’t even imagine what that conversation must have been like inside the helicopter as they were flying past this dude’s property. What do you even say when you’ve discovered that, in 2014, someone has one of the most evil symbols emblazoned on the bottom of their pool (of all places, not that any place would be great)? The property belongs to a person living in Pomerode, in the state of Santa Catarina, which is home to a large population of Germans and Austrians (although it never states what the owner’s nationality is, not that it really matters).

Suffice to say, needing to remind oneself that Jews (among others) should be eradicated from Earth while you’re going for a swim is next level wrong. According to The Telegraph, this underwater symbol has been in place for 13 years. And no one can do anything about it because the pool is on private property. I guess humans technically have the right to be as terrible as they want which includes employing swastikas for décor.

Here's what's even more surprising: The pool's owner told police that he wasn’t trying to be anti-Semitic. I don’t know whether he or she is trying to play dumb or whether they truly just don’t know (it’s not the first time people have proven themselves to be mega ignorant), but from the sounds of it, the swastika is staying.

This isn’t the first time a swastika has been found via aerial views: Caught by Google Earth, this Naval building in San Diego was (maybe accidentally) built to appear like a swastika. (The Navy is now spending $600,000 to rebuild.) Other buildings and neighborhoods have also displayed unfortunate resemblances to swastikas, but in all of these cases, the similarities seems to be accidental.

This amphibious swastika? Not so much.

Image: Getty Images; Fredrik Olsson/Twitter