
The Baldwins Show Off Their New Year's Baby Bump

It's that time of the year when your friends bombard your social media accounts with announcements of engagements and pregnancies — and celebrities are no different. On Jan. 1, Alec Baldwin's wife Hilaria Baldwin announced she is pregnant with the couple's second child on Instagram. The pair, who wed in 2012, have one-year-old daughter Carmen, so the new baby will make the 56-year-old actor a father of three. (He has 19-year-old daughter Ireland from his previous marriage to Kim Basinger.)

Although I'm not always a huge fan of Baldwin, his talent cannot be denied (I heart 30 Rock's Jack Donaghy). And the actor seems to have found real happiness with Hilaria. His 30-year-old wife is a yoga instructor and she is no stranger to Instagram. She used her account to share #yogapostureoftheday every day in 2014 (some of her yoga poses are crazy impressive). And she frequently posts photos of daughter Carmen and cutesy pictures of Baldwin. So it looks like the new baby will be brought into a healthy and loving home.

She even misled her Instagram followers when she posted a photo of her pregnancy test from Carmen on Dec. 23., writing, "Don't get excited ... it's a #throwback."

And on New Year's Day, only a little more than a week later, she revealed that she is actually pregnant again. The photo shows Baldwin holding baby Carmen as she touches her mom's belly during a sunset on the beach. To add to the preciousness, their two dogs are also in the photo.

But rather than reading me describe it, check out the adorable Instagram announcement for yourself.

Congrats, Baldwins! Best of luck with the new baby in 2015.