
What Does Nikki Have to Say About Juan Pablo?

by Martha Sorren

After a season of watching Juan Pablo Galavis be one of the worst-ever Bachelor stars, America couldn't believe that Nikki Ferrell actually stuck by his side—after all, he never even told her he loved her during the finale! But now that the pair has broken up for good, Nikki's finally spilling on how she feels about Juan Pablo. During Monday's red carpet premiere for the new Bachelor season, Ferrell talked with host Chris Harrison about the man she loved, and the man she eventually dumped.

For many months after his non-proposal and the finale of the show, Nikki maintained that Juan Pablo was right for her no matter what anyone else thought. But as public opinion, a difference in lifestyles, and distance threatened their relationship the couple sensed that things weren't going as well as they should. But determined to stay together, they even headed to VH1's Couples Therapy to work through their issues. Unfortunately Nikki says it was too little, too late.

"I wasn't going to quit and I tried everything, and I know he tried too," she told Harrison. "But at the end of the day we have different priorities and different lifestyles. But we really tried. Not just TV tried, we real life tried."

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Despite the breakup and their difference in lifestyles and priorities, Nikki wasn't up for bashing her ex. "He's so caring. He cares so much about his family, friends, and people that he trusts," Nikki said. "He's a good person. I don't have anything bad to say."

And did JP ever say that magic L-word to Nikki? Yes, he did. "There was awhile where I did feel he was totally in love with me ... We said we loved each other just like in a normal relationship," she revealed. "The relationship didn't end because we didn't love each other."

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Although Chris Harrison tried to prod Nikki into admitting that Juan Pablo was not always the best, Nikki maintained that he was a good person and that she had no regrets. "I've grown so much as a person, and I know who I am and what I want ... I'm actually doing really great, and I'm very happy."

That's Nikki, classy and quiet about her personal life to the end.

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