
'Shark Tank's TurboPUP Will Help Your Dog Refuel

by Laura Rosenfeld

There's an old show business adage that goes, "Never work with children or animals." Clearly, Shark Tank never got that message because little critters are always appearing on the show to help sell their owners' pet products and services. We've already seen the healthy dog treats from Ry's Ruffery and the feline potty training kit CitiKitty become hits with viewers. Could TurboPUP, appearing on Friday's episode of Shark Tank be next?

Unfortunately, TurboPUP is not a robotic flying dog as the name suggests. I know, I know. I was also disappointed when I heard the news. It's actually a power bar to help fuel your pups. That's more useful, I suppose.

TurboPUP founder Kristina Guerrero will try to get the sharks to help the product take flight. As we all know, it's going to take a lot more than some cute canines to do so — except for Robert Herjavec. I don't think I've ever seen someone light up as much as him whenever a dog scampers into the Shark Tank. His obsession combined with the outdoorsy feel of this product makes me think Guerrero can count on Herjavec as one investor at least. It might take a bit more effort to convince the others, especially Mr. Wonderful, Kevin O'Leary, who seems to have an inability to detect adorable.

As for me, I'm pretty sold on the fact that we'll be seeing some precious pups on TV, but these six tidbits about TurboPUP are pretty neat, too.

1. TurboPUP is More Than Just a Snack

Although a typical TurboPUP bar is just about the size of an iPhone, it's not just a snack. It's meant to be a whole meal in bar form for dogs on the go so their owners don't have to lug around a bowl and a bag of dog food everywhere. Guerrero got the inspiration for TurboPUP one winter a couple of years ago when she and her husband were out backcountry skiing, and she didn't pack her dog Dunkan any food. She packed human power bars and thought how great and convenient it would be if there was a canine version. TurboPUP bars are exactly that, and just like their human counterparts, they come loaded with vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3s. You may even be tempted to try one the next time you get a little peckish while in the great outdoors. But you totally shouldn't go through with that.

2. You Can Buy Them Now

If this sounds like just what you and Fido were looking for, you're in luck. TurboPUP bars are available now through the company's official website and a whole bunch of other online and brick-and-mortar retailers. The bars currently come in two flavors, Bacon Grain Free and Peanut Butter Grain Free, and there's also Peanut Butter Crazy Delicious K9 Treats available in case you're feeling fancy.

3. They Have a Seal of Approval

TurboPUP is the official dog food of the National Association for Search & Rescue. That means it's got to be pretty good, right?

4. Guerrero is a Badass

Long before there even was a TurboPUP, Guerrero joined the U.S. Air Force in 1998. She flew C-130 transport planes and served two deployments in Qatar and one in Iraq as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Horn of Africa. All of that earned Guerrero two combat medals. I don't think it's possible for her to be any more impressive.

5. Her Husband Knows Food

It may not take a rocket scientist to power a dog with TurboPUP bars, but it does take a food scientist. Good thing Guerrero had one on call in the form of her husband Brandon Sylvester, who used to work for the yogurt company Dannon. They even make and package the bars in the kitchen of their La Pine, Ore. home. At last count, they made 1,000 bars a month. If they strike a deal on Shark Tank, get ready to see that production go into turbo speed.

6. Their Social Media Accounts Are Awesome

This is because they're full of cute pics of dogs. Enough said.

Herjavec would be very proud.

Image: Michael Desmond/ABC