I know it's hard to take me completely and totally seriously when you read this because you've never actually met me before, but you're going to have to trust me when I say this right now: The Walking Dead 's new season 5 part 2 trailer that you are about to watch will seriously leave you speechless. It's that insane. (And yes, I may be a person who exaggerates a lot, but I'm not exaggerating on this!)
I had high hopes for this half of the season, you know — naïve hopes, really, that the new episodes wouldn't cause me as much serious heartbreak, shock, and coronary reactions as the first half of the season did. But, of course, this is The Walking Dead : Even though we're all still mourning the loss of the lovely Beth Greene and even though the writers know that, they're still planning on dealing out more torture, pain, and suffering to our characters on a very consistent basis. Based off of this trailer, the second half of season 5 will be no different at all.
I won't give too much of the trailer away because it'll ruin the shock factor for you — and if I have to suffer through it, you have to suffer through it — but I will forewarn you to make sure you're near a phone in case its intensity causes a heart attack or something. Seriously, the way this show is going, it's so going to need a warning label soon.
Check the trailer below. Part 2 of season 5 of The Walking Dead will premiere on AMC on Feb. 8.
Image: AMC