We Have the Answer to Gabby's 'Idol' Breakdwon

Last night's episode of American Idol left us with a dramatic cliffhanger. Sixteen-year-old Gabby Zonneveld stopped mid-performance during her audition and we're dying to know what happened. Hollywood Week is intense — contestants are put on the spot and forced to audition in line-up fashion. So was it nerves that got the best of Zonneveld or something else? I speculated about what happened last night, but now we have the answer.
It turns out my second theory was correct — Zonneveld's nerves hit her all at once. With the judges, cameras, and other contestants in front of her, all of Gabby Z's nerves hit at once. She freaked out, but thankfully the judges were understanding. Harry Connick, Jr. even ran onstage to give her a pep talk and a chance to recover. Zonneveld got a chance to hug her mom, who is her biggest inspiration and supporter, and take a few deep breaths to calm down. Thankfully, the judges allowed the Minnesota native to try her audition again — and she didn't disappoint.
The best part of Zonneveld's story is how supportive everyone was of her. The other contestants — who are equally as nervous — got on their feet for her second audition and cheered her on once she was finished. Zonneveld's their competition, they should really be cheering for her to bomb so they have a better chance of getting through to the next round. But there's no doubt the other contestants were fearing the same thing would happen during their audition, and were just glad to see how her overcome her fears.
So, what happened of Gabby Z? She, along with favorite Kelley Kime who's daughter wowed us in the auditions, made it through to the group rounds of Hollywood Week. Get your nerves together, girl, because the judges aren't going to let you get away with a breakdown again.
Image: Youtube - IdolxVoice