9 Beauty Tutorial Videos You Never Knew You Needed

When in doubt, ask the internet. This is an old yet wise line that probably each and every one one of us has either said or done. Considering the wealth of information online, it’s easy to visit Google, type in a question and get back an answer in less than half a second. It’s crazy to think that — instead of seeing a doctor about the mole on the bottom of my foot, or a mechanic about the crazy sound my car is making — I resort to the world wide web (and I'm sure you’ve done it, too). At the end of the day, it’s convenient, fast, and (usually) free. So why wouldn’t we consult its databases? That’s the beauty of the internet: Sometimes it gives us the exact information we need to better our standards of living. But sometimes, it gives us even more.
One of the internet's gems is YouTube. The video-sharing platform has given the average citizen the ability to become their own director, producer, editor and star of the show, with the added perk of sharing their work across the globe. And if there's one thing that YouTube is not lacking in, it's “how to” videos. When I’m not catching up on the latest adorable cat snaps, I’m most likely YouTube-ing how to cook chicken (apparently the microwave isn’t a good option), or how to stud my sneakers (because why not?), or even how to apply lip liner (it’s really hard, okay?). But when I came across that last one, I began to delve into a whole world of beauty tutorials that I never knew I needed.
Not only are there tutorials on how to look like any celebrity you’ve ever wished you could look like, or how to apply any kind of makeup whatsoever; there are also tutorials that tell you how to apply makeup for work, remove your makeup at the end of the day, and even how to apply makeup when you know you’re going to see your ex lover. Who knew there were such detailed steps to removing your makeup when a guy is sleeping over? Because I didn't. (And, okay, there probably isn't really a right or wrong way to do these things — but thinking about 'em is still fun!) So, why not dive into these nine amazing beauty tutorials that are guaranteed to prepare you for any situation life throws your way?
1. Monday Makeup Tutorial
Fact: Mondays are hard. Thankfully, there’s no need to explain this to Desi Perkins. The beauty vlogger knows exactly how hard Mondays are, and wants to make them easier for you. Her video outlines what products to apply and the order in which to apply them to avoid having to explain to your boss, professor or co-workers that you may or may not have been out partying the whole weekend. This tutorial is especially valuable on the day back to your regular schedule after a long weekend. Huge polka dot bow headband is optional.
2. Bed Time Tutorial
You would think that [mostly] everyone has a good idea of how to get ready for bed. Think again. Tanya Burr, English beauty vlogger and new author, shows viewers that it’s not all about throwing on pajamas and slapping on some cleanser to get your makeup off. It’s a highly detailed process of different wipes, creams, and cleansers that not only make you feel relaxed and decompressed for bed, but also prepare you for the day to come. And don’t even think about going to bed with your makeup on because you'll just scare yourself in the morning.
3. Pool Day Tutorial
In a perfect world, all dark spots and blackheads would disappear during summer excursions to the beach and pool. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect world and us girls still have the tendency to wear makeup even though we know it might just get washed away. Despite the current weather conditions, especially in the north, it’s never too early to plan for waterproof mascara and concealer that will actually conceal. Carli Bybel knows the struggle and is an expert on how to remedy your troubles. Plus, cute beach inspiration will make you lust for warmer weather.
4. First Date Tutorial
Everyone wants to look nice for their first date. Whether you met the guy through a mutual friend or on an online dating site, you’re going to want to look and feel your best. Instead of questioning whether a dark berry lip or thick winged liner would be appropriate, look no further than Chloe Morello, Australian beauty vlogger. In her video, she not only provides viewers with two different beauty looks, but also an outfit, fragrance and hair suggestion to boot.
5. Meeting With The Ex Tutorial
Professional makeup artists Lisa Eldridge knows how tough it can be to have to meet with the person who broke your heart, weeks after the split happened. That being said, she also knows exactly how to brighten your skin, plump your cheeks, and lift you spirit through makeup for this dreadful task. With the help of some products that get high marks in Eldridge’s book, and some pro tips on how to apply them, you’ll be feeling confident and on fleek despite the fact that you have to spend time around your former significant other.
6. Makeup For Work
“Wearable” and “daytime” are key words for a work makeup tutorial, and Katerina Beauty Blog knows just how that translates to an actual beauty look. Think matte eye shadows, a matte base, and an understated yet pretty lip color. Nothing crazy, but still pretty and put together for an all around flattering look for the every day. If there are any steps you don’t attribute as necessary for your own daily routine, cut them out. No need to apply more products than you need.
7. "No Makeup" Makeup Tutorial
One of the major goals of makeup is to look like you're not wearing makeup, at all. Thanks to some application tips from Sona Gasparian, the look is achievable with the help of tinted moisturizer, minimal mascara, and a good blending brush. While there are plenty of these videos on YouTube, Gasparian's look is extra simple and limited to just a few products, which makes it super easy to do at home without having to invest in tons of new products. What's better than no makeup makeup? Definitely not more makeup, that's for sure.
8. "I’m Sick" Tutorial
No one likes being sick. With the dreary weather these days, you’ve probably either already been sick, are sick, or are inevitably going to get sick (sorry to be the bearer of realism). That being said, Karissa Pukas created the perfect video to alleviate your sickness, even if only briefly, with some makeup application. While your routine look has never failed you, it may be worth trying something new out with the products and pigments Pukas swears by in this video. Fake tan is optional, but Pukas has a good point that it’s easy to look super healthy (with some help from amazing products) even when you actually feel really sick.
9. Removing Makeup In Front Of Boys Tutorial
Have you ever invited someone in, and wanted them to stay but also wanted to take your makeup off? I know that at the end of the day, taking my makeup off is the first thing I want to do, but when you’re with someone special, it’s a little tough to pull it off without scaring them away. Granted, there's no reason to feel like they will be scared off, but maybe a little mascara and tinted primer makes you feel more comfortable and confident than having nothing on. Aussie vlogger Lauren Curtis knows exactly how to do that for you, and her video is also hilariously honest. But if you really want to test your potential lover, take it all off! Who needs makeup anyways.
Images: Fotolia; YouTube; Giphy