
Captain Underpants, Plus 5 More Series to Revive

by Tara Merrigan

Scholastic is rebooting one of your favorite childhood series. Yes, in the next two years readers will see the latest updates in The Captain Underpants saga.

This announcement got us feeling a little nostalgic. Below, more classic series we'd love to see just one (okay, or maybe ten) more installments of:

  • The Babysitters Club series by Ann M. Martin: This long-running series stopped publishing in 2000. How preteen girls of the millennium have gotten by without them is beyond us.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis: The movies make for a nice trip back to childhood days spent reading, but we'd still like more books.
  • The Redwall series by Brian Jacques: Talking animals, epic battles, funny accents. What a wonderful series. Your correspondent wholeheartedly believes that decoding Jacques' moles and hares as a child helped her read Shakespeare. Not kidding.
  • The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling: Do we need to explain?
  • The Time Quintet series by Madeline L'Engel: aka A Wrinkle In Time and more, this group of books is science fiction and fantasy at its most sparkling. Give us more of the Murrys.

Image: surfpark/Flickr