
Lena Dunham Could Change 'Scandal' Forever

by Leah Marilla Thomas

It took me a minute to direct my focus away from the wig she's wearing in the promos, but now I'm seriously worried about Lena Dunham's character on Scandal. According the the official ABC press release for Thursday's episode, "Olivia springs into action when she hears of a woman intending to expose sex secrets of some of DC’s most elite." The episode is titled "It's Good To Be Kink" and the Fifty Shades of Grey references have been flowing like red wine in Olivia Pope's apartment. Her character honestly calls herself "Kinky Sue." Fun with deviance aside, could this show finally be addressing the biggest scandal of all? Could Kinky Sue expose the world to "Olitz" after all this time? Why else would Olivia Pope get personally involved?

From the sneak peeks and teaser that we've seen, Kinky Sue has written a book detailing her own affairs with Washington D.C. crème de la crème and their sexual proclivities. Frankly, that could get almost every character on the show in trouble at this point. Olivia tracks her down, but she's not looking to take her as a client, she's looking to put a stop to the book. It appears that Abby is the one who calls her attention to the publication and asks for her help — Leo must be one of Kinky Sue's kinky lovers. No judgement here, but why am I not surprised?

All that put aside, Olivia Pope is involved in the biggest sexual cover-up of all. What if one of Kinky Sue's partners whispered secrets in her ear? What if she goes digging after Olivia insults her? Remember that the general public on Scandal still doesn't know about Olivia and President Grant's many affairs. Most of the inside of Washington knows. The media sort of knows, but has been misdirected multiple times. The world market of terrorists who like to buy people certainly knows. It is general knowledge that Fitz has had affairs, but Olivia Pope's name has been kept out of the spotlight in that regard.

That's what has me excited about this guest appearance, if I'm right. It's back to basics on Scandal. Recently the show brought back Stephen, Henry Ian Cusick's character from Season 1. He was Olivia's "rescuer" in the auction. Last week, we saw Huck's wife Kim return in a big way. The two of them could be on their way to exposing B6-13 with David Rosen. This show has not forgotten what it's all about. "Olitz" got us into it. Forget the angst, we want the scandal!

Say Kinky Sue (I'll never get over that name) does find out that Olivia Pope was involved with the POTUS. What would the repercussions even be at this point? Fitz is practically a lame duck. Olivia Pope's Washington career would potentially be over, but I supposed she can always go make jam. Somehow, I think this would be worst for Mellie's dream presidential campaign. This could start a chain reaction as the lies and cover-ups unravel. Mellie still has a career ahead of her. Kinky Sue's book may seem harmless and the storyline may be just a "case of the week," but there could actually be major, major repercussions on Scandal.

Images: Nicole Wilder/ABC; Giphy (2)