Luke & Lorelai Had The Best Romance

When you ask a Gilmore Girls fan what they think about the romances on the show, the responses will probably be something like this: "Rory totally belonged with Jess." "Dean was definitely Rory's best boyfriend." "Rory should never have turned down Logan's proposal." When it comes to the younger Gilmore's love life, everyone has an opinion — but as for the relationships of her mom, Lorelai? Nobody has anything to say, probably because everyone knows that Luke and Lorelai were the best on Gilmore Girls .
That's not to say Lorelai didn't date other guys; Gilmore fans spent numerous seasons watching Lorelai attempt romances with Max, Christopher, and Jason, among others. Yet when the relationships inevitably failed, the reasons usually had something to do with Luke — his friendship with Lorelai, his obvious crush on her, or just his importance in her life, whether as her go-to coffee man or as a surrogate dad to her daughter. It was clear to everyone that Luke and Lorelai were meant to be, and yet it took the pair ages to realize it for themselves. It's crazy it took so long, as the few times they were together proved that they were a perfect couple.
Case-in-point: 16 times Luke and Lorelai had the best relationship on TV:
When He Shut Down Luke's To Drive Her To The Hospital
This was back in Season 1, and yet it was clear even here that Luke cared for Lorelai deeply. Upon hearing that Richard has collapsed and was in the hospital, Luke immediately shut down the diner and drove Lorelai to the hospital. And this was after he had made her a Santa burger, because early December was the perfect time to start celebrating Christmas and Luke is a perfect human being.
When He Built Her A Chuppah
Luke was devastated when Lorelai was engaged to Max, and yet he made her a chuppah just so she'd have a nice wedding. To another guy. So romantic, and so, so sad. Another few years, Luke.
When He Bought Her Basket
No, this isn't some weird metaphor. When Lorelai needed to be saved from a dozen creepy men Miss Patty tried to set her up with, Luke came to the rescue, buying her basket so the two could enjoy a nice picnic. He said it was no big deal, but it totally was.
When She Attended His Uncle's Funeral
No one in Stars Hollow liked Luke's uncle when he was alive, and once he died, even his own relatives wouldn't show support and help Luke deal with the arrangements. Yet not only did Lorelai take over the diner in Luke's absence and accompany him to the funeral home, she went with him to the funeral, even though no one else did the same.
When She Fake-Cancelled Her Plans To Go To His Thanksgiving
Seeing how disappointed Luke was when he learned Lorelai and Rory would have to skip his Thanksgiving dinner, Lorelai pretended to cancel their plans so that they could go to his dinner, even though it meant suffering through four different meals. Although let's be real — the Gilmores eating multiple courses of stuffing and pie isn't exactly "suffering."
When They Broke The Church Bells Together
What's more romantic than teaming up to break the world's most annoying church bells?
When They Went to Liz & TJ's Wedding
Everything about this night was sweet, from the reason Luke asked her out (a self-help book!) to the time he asked her to dance to the nervous way they agreed to go out again afterwards. A perfect start to their relationship, even if they didn't quite realize it at the time.
When They Kissed At The Dragonfly
When He Showed Her The The Horoscope
On their first real date, Luke recounted the first time he ever met Lorelai in perfect, moving detail. The final touch came when he handed her the horoscope she had written for him — eight years ago. Clearly, they were meant to be.
When He Told Her About His Dark Day
In one of the show's most intimate moments, Luke told Lorelai about his "dark day," the anniversary of his father's death. It was a huge deal for the private Luke to open up, and proved how close the two had grown.
When She Proposed To Him
Yes, the situation was less than ideal, with Rory being in trouble, but no Gilmore fan could deny how great it was to see Luke and Lorelai finally get engaged.
When He Rushed To Her Side After Richard's Heart Attack
They weren't even dating anymore, and yet Luke immediately rushed to her side after hearing about her father's heart attack. Lorelai needed support, and Luke, like always, was there.
When He Bought The Twickham House For Her
He bought a house. For Lorelai and their potential, future children. I can't even deal.
When She Wrote Him A Character Reference Letter
"Once Luke Danes became my friend in this town, I never really felt alone." NO I'M NOT CRYING, YOU ARE.
When She Serenaded Him At Karaoke
Everybody knows that drunkenly serenading a guy with "I Will Always Love You" is the most romantic thing you can do.
When He Threw Rory a Going Away Party
Lorelai needed a bit more convincing that she belonged with Luke for good, and seeing all the effort he put into Rory's party — the food, the tarps, the guest list — did the trick. Plus: THE NECKLACE. The tear-jerking series finale proved once and for all that Luke and Lorelai were meant to be.
Images: The WB