
A Televised 'Catfish' Wedding?

by Tanya Ghahremani

At this point, we're all used to Catfish making us think twice about ever logging in to Facebook again, but here's a happy ending to remind us all that true love does exist: In Tuesday's Catfish reunion episode, former two familiar faces, Lauren Meler and Derek Shullenbarger returned to give us all an update on their relationship status of the moment — and something much bigger. During the episode, the Catfish couple got engaged, and according to Us Weekly, Nev and Max actually helped Derek out with Lauren's ring.

"I did know it was coming, as did Max," Nev told the magazine. "Max and I bought Derek the engagement ring so that he could propose because he needed help paying for it ... we went with him that morning and it was really sweet."

According to Nev, the couple's road to marriage has been bumpy in the past year since their Catfish episode — he reveals that Lauren suffered a miscarriage and got into a car accident that has prevented her from working — but the two have managed to move in together and make things work.

As for their wedding, according to Nev, it might actually be televised. "Oh yeah, I don't see why we shouldn't make an episode or a show about it ... And get all the cast and other people from the show." As long as they bring back that one guy who was pretending to be a porn star on Facebook and luring men into cheating on their girlfriends, we're OK with this. I mean, who else will slow-clap for the happy couple at the ceremony?