On the second season of Bravo's Southern Charm , Thomas Ravenel hopes to win a Senate seat in the 2014 election. Because this was filmed last year, we know that the election did not work out in T-Rav's favor, and Thomas lost to Senator Lindsey Graham... by a lot. Unfortunately for T-Rav, as the viewers of Southern Charm get to take in the election for the first time, Thomas gets to relive his loss all over again. But just because Thomas lost this election doesn't mean he's completely down for the count regarding a future political career. So what are the chances that we'll ever see T-Rav in the political arena?
According to Thomas, he's not throwing in the towel just yet and he says there is still hope of a future in politics for this Southern Charm star. Even though Thomas lost the race with pretty dramatic numbers against him (he only garnered 3.9 percent of the votes for the Senate seat), his attitude towards his loss definitely errs on the side of him running for office again. In a concession post on Facebook — a very millennial move, if I do say so myself — Thomas said that he called and congratulated Senator Graham on his win and thanked South Carolinians for listening to his message. He also hinted at a future in politics.
So if we take Thomas' word for it, we can totally expect him to run for another political race. Here are the pros and cons of that.
Pro: We Might Get Another Season 3 Of Southern Charm If He Runs
Even though this show revolves around a group of people, one of the strongest plot lines in the second season is Thomas' campaign race. If Thomas runs for another office, it will be the perfect reason to capture it all on camera and feature it on the third season of Southern Charm.
Con: We Have To Watch Another Batch of Political Ads If He Runs
Those. Ads. Were. Brutal. And if Thomas runs for another political office, we might become subjected to another round of Thomas Ravenel's political advertisements.
Pro: We Get To Watch Thomas Raise The Roof (But Not Taxes) If He Runs
Then again... If Thomas runs for another political office, we might get to see Thomas' "raise the roof" dance moves again. And that would not be the worst thing in the world, would it?
Con: He Might Be Too Busy For The TV Show If He Runs
But if Thomas does want to focus on actually winning a political race, then the show might be the last thing he is concerned with. I would assume that a candidate on a Bravo TV show doesn't land very well with serious voters, so it might be in his best interest to leave the show on the side of the road.
Images: Brianna Stello/Bravo; Brice Sanders/Tumblr (4)