Every Baby In Finland Sleeps In A Cardboard Box
When you think of a baby being put in a box, it likely calls to mind abandonment, like the bub's parents are about to drop him or her off in front of an old-timey orphanage in the middle of the night during a terrifying thunderstorm. But apparently, a baby sleeping in a cardboard box can be a really good thing. In fact, every newborn baby in Finland sleeps in a box for the complete opposite reason: to protect and nurture the child. Like all our Scandinavian friends, Finland is especially progressive in its politics, and its government plays a consistent and pervasive role in the welfare of its people. It's not in a creepy Big Brother way either—the Finnish government seems to genuinely care for and act in the best interests of its citizens. What a novel idea!
Case in point: This very special box is sent out to every expectant mother in Finland by the government FOR FREE, and has been sent out since 1938. The box includes:
- The box itself, which is a crib for the baby. It comes furnished with mattress, mattress cover, under sheet, duvet cover, blanket and sleeping bag/quilt.
- Baby clothes including a snowsuit, knitted overalls, balaclava, other hats, leggings, romper suits mittens, booties and socks all in gender neutral patterns and colors.
- A hooded bath towel, nail scissors, hairbrush, toothbrush, bath thermometer, diaper cream, washcloth, a sustainable cloth diaper set and muslin squares.
- A picture book and teething toy.
- Bra pad and condoms (for mommy, duh).
It's great. So, so great. Here's why:
1. Mothers get the choice between the box and a $140 euro grant
Although 95% choose the box, this proves that the Finnish government is really in tune with the actual needs of new mothers and are subsequently able to lessen the stress of having to collate the infrastructure of products and items needed to care for an infant.
2. That stuff is EXPENSIVE, so the box eases the mother's financial burden
3. It contributes to the country's low infant mortality rate, which has dropped dramatically since the introduction of the box
4. In order to be eligible for the box, women must visit a doctor before their 4th month of pregnancy is up
This ensures expectant mothers are receiving adequate prenatal care, catering to not only the needs of the baby but the needs of the mother as well.
5. It makes Finnish families (dads included!) feel like the government cares
Watch the below video to learn more:
Images: markjsebastian/Flickr; Giphy (5)