Mike Huckabee Is Seriously Opposed To Gay Marriage
Presidential hopeful and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee feels very strongly about same-sex marriage, and has been a vocal opponent of marriage equality for years. Some of his more bizarre statements have to do with same-sex marriage, which Huckabee has likened to bestiality and dismissed as simply a "lifestyle," equating homosexuality with choosing to drink or swear. (Right.) A recent appearance on CNN's State of the Union had Huckabee proclaiming that catering to same-sex couples would be like "asking someone who's Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli."
Back in 2013 when Huckabee had bowed out of the political ring and instead set his sights on hosting a Fox News show, he again reiterated his strong stance against same-sex marriage. Huckabee added even more descriptors to his anti-marriage equality arsenal, specifically linking same-sex marriage to polygamy. Said Huckabee on Fox:
If we’re determined to change the definition of marriage to accommodate how people feel and what they wish to do because of their mutual consent, then we should immediately release those incarcerated for practicing polygamy or bigamy. And, frankly, let’s make all consensual adult behaviors legal, whether prostitution, assisted suicide, or even drinking 16 ounce sodas in New York City.
Of all the issues presidential candidates must take a stance on, it's same-sex marriage that Huckabee is perhaps the most uncompromising about and passionately against. A former Southern Baptist preacher, Huckabee's faith acts not only as his moral compass but as the cornerstone of his political platform. His presidential campaign announcement on Tuesday deeply touched on his Christian values. His statements on same-sex marriage could not be more clearly tied to his faith:
We've lost our way morally. We've witnessed the slaughter of over 55 million babies in the name of choice. And we are now threatening the foundation of religious liberty by criminalizing Christianity and demanding we abandon Biblical principles of natural marriage. My friends, the Supreme Court is not the Supreme Being and they cannot overturn the laws of nature or of nature's God.
Last month, a fringe organization known as Mike Huckabee Policy Solutions filed a brief to SCOTUS proclaiming that same-sex marriage is a public health issue that has contributed to the premature death of same-sex couples, citing a Danish study in which less than one percent of participants were in same-sex marriages. The group is unaffiliated with the GOP candidate, though advocates for Huckabee's views. Huckabee himself has yet to respond to the group's SCOTUS brief.
Images: Getty Images