Don't ask Sofia Vergara about that infamous frozen embryo lawsuit, because she is done talking about it. On Thursday, Good Morning America showcased an ABC News video, where Sofia Vergara talked about the frozen embryo lawsuit she's involved in with her ex-fiancé Nick Loeb. In the latest interview, the Modern Family and Hot Pursuit actress declared that after this ABC News sit-down, she is done talking about a situation that she believes should've remained private all along.
She said, “I really want to make this, like, the last time I talk about it because I don’t think it’s fair." Vergara went onto say,
I’ve been working very hard for 20 years to get to this point where I am, enjoying my movie. I promote all my movies, all my work, but I don’t like promoting my private life and I don’t understand why this person — I don’t want to allow this person to take more advantage of my career and try to promote himself and get press for this.
For those unaware, Loeb filed a lawsuit against Vergara and even wrote an op-ed for The New York Times, where he claims that Vergara wants to destroy two of their frozen embryos, but he wants to keep them, use a surrogate, and hopefully raise them on his own. However, before the split, Loeb and Vergara signed papers stating that in order to use the frozen embryos, both parties' consent is needed. Vergara is not giving him permission.
Not only does the actress want Loeb to stop with his lawsuit and the self-promotion, but she also wants the media to stop reporting about a man who is "trying to put [her] down," all while discussing something that is nobody's business. “This shouldn’t be out there for people to give their opinion when there’s nothing to talk about," she said.
On Tuesday, Vergara chatted with Howard Stern, where she spoke about the lawsuit for the very first time. Not only did Vergara reveal she doesn't feel Loeb getting what he wants is a real possibility, but she also said that "it would be so selfish" to bring a child into this world around two people who don't see eye to eye.
As for Loeb, on Thursday, he appeared on CNN's New Day, where he stuck up for himself. He said, “I’ve always believed that life begins at conception. How else would I define what two embryos are that happen to be female? I can’t say these are female property. These are lives. And they’re on a journey and a pathway to being born.”
This is a very complicated situation. Even though I understand that Loeb desperately wants a child and to use two frozen embryos that are partly his, he did sign legal documents. Vergara makes many valid points, especially that all of this should remain private going forward. If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't want my personal business out for the world to comment on and judge. The actress, who received a Hollywood Walk of Fame Star on Thursday, is having the time of her life and making a career for herself, so it's understanable that she'd be upset over having her name associated with a lawsuit, rather than everything else she should be recognized for.
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