'The Originals' Klaus Has Got It All Wrong

Usually I'm down to make excuses for Klaus' bad behavior. I mean, he more or less had no parental role models growing up, so how could he know how to be a good parent himself? On Monday's The Originals Season 2 finale, "Ashes to Ashes," however, Klaus was the villain in his family's story. During last week's penultimate episode, Klaus cursed Hayley and the wolves as part of his plan to outsmart Dahlia — leaving Hayley doomed to only be human on one night each month. And that was bad, but necessary in gaining Dahlia's trust. But Klaus didn't reverse the curse on Monday night, even after Claire Holt returned to The Originals and tried to talk sense to him. So, will Hope ever see her mother again?
It really doesn't seem like Klaus has any intention of bringing Hayley back into Hope's life. It makes sense for him to be upset that Hayley more or less took his daughter away from him with no intention of returning. But, like Rebekah told him when he suggested that he raise Hope with the help of his sisters, Klaus really doesn't understand what happiness is. Keeping Hayley cursed and in the Bayou while he raises Hope alone is not happiness for Klaus, it's a lull in the storm of his troubled existence. And, specifically, it's a place of constant paranoia. I know, that's typical Klaus, but it proves that he really hasn't changed that much since becoming a father.
Klaus' relationship with his own family — while he might love them — is totally victim of Klaus' constant paranoia that someone is deceiving him. He didn't dagger his siblings for centuries just for fun. Klaus is always looking over his shoulder and refusing to trust his siblings and parents and now he's doing the same thing to Hayley. So, really, Hope hasn't changed that much about his outlook on people that are supposed to be family to him. Klaus consistently went head-to-head with Hayley and made power-plays against her until she turned against him and, eventually, that became paranoia when he pushed Hayley over the edge.
So, we really can't bank on Hayley getting her life back. Klaus seemed truly convinced at the end of the Season 2 finale that he was living his happiest life. Bringing Hayley back into Hope's life threatens that and, after Dahlia, I can't see Klaus lifting that curse anytime soon.
Image: Annette Brown/The CW