Christina Aguilera's Best Dance Moves — In GIFs
Allow me to let those who consider themselves diehard fans of Christina Aguilera in on a little secret: Scouring through Xtina’s music videos in search of her best dance moves may sound like a complete picnic of a task, but it’s totally not. Don’t get me wrong — I’m convinced I was a serious dancing queen in a past life, so I’m all up for intently researching and analyzing choreography. But surprisingly, watching Aguilera repeatedly twist and twerk her way across my computer screen has proven to be quite a difficult assignment, because, honestly, Christina Aguilera has some amazing dance moves — and with an endless array of body rolls, belly dancing, booty poppin' (along with various other forms of fancy choreography to choose from) it’s hard to resist the urge to get out of my chair and start shaking a little somethin’ on the floor.
If that doesn’t sound stressful enough, I realized that selecting the singer’s best dance moves without actually performing said moves sounds completely fraudulent and unethical. However, I’m committed to choosing the best moves from Aguilera’s videos in the most fair, honorable way possible — so I pulled up my big girl “Dirrty” chaps, and managed to dance and write while some of Aguilera's awesome midriff moments played out in front of me.
Feel free to thank me later for my valiant dance research efforts, but for now, check out seven of Christina Aguilera's best music video dance moves:
The Genie Move From "Genie In a Bottle"
It would be total blasphemy to exclude this move from the list — it's iconic.
The "Dirrty" Dip
With so many filthy and dirty moves to choose from, whatever is a girl to do? Why, choose the most bootylicious one, of course.
"What A Girl Wants" Group Hip Thrust
This entire video could qualify as one of Aguilera's best dances moves. Although I absolutely love all of the choreography (and may or may not have learned it from start to finish), I'm going to stick with my all time fave — the hip thrust.
"Come On Over (All I Want Is You)" Spin
OK, so there's a total hip-moving theme going here, but what can I say? Christina's hips don't lie.
"Ain't No Other Man" Groovy Move
Christina dropped it like it's hot and brought it back up like the dancing pro she is.
"I'm A Good Girl (Burlesque)" Hair Whipping
She was whipping her hair back and forth way before Willow Smith.
The "Not Myself Tonight" Put a Ring On It Move
Aguilera has said this video was a tribute to Madonna — and Madge's influences are obviously present. However, this move does remind me of Beyoncé's "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" routine.
CAguileraVEVO/YouTube (7)