
Kyleigh Kuhn Says Goodbye To New Clothes (Sort Of)

by Julia Guerra

If you’re looking for a little mid-week style inspiration, look no further than your own closet! For her birthday, NEXT model Kyleigh Kühn created an 87 day challenge to only wear vintage clothing or pieces she already owns, and is now extending that invitation to you. Not only will buying clothes from a thrift store save you money, it will also pay homage to the environment, inspiring a pro-green wardrobe. A total win.

Only three weeks into her three month challenge, Kühn is convinced she wont ever look back. She wrote for Elle:

I've already considered extending the project for a year. Dude, why not?! Save money, save Mother Earth, unload your unworn items at thrift shops, and build a more unique vintage-inspired wardrobe — that's some quadruple bottom line goodness if I've ever heard of it.

I am all for saving the environment and money simultaneously, and even though part of me wants to think Kühn is crazy for not taking advantage of her model-perks *ahem free designer clothes,* I admire her good-doing.

We all know fast-fashion is killing our environment. The disposable fashion trend is a waste of material and exposes our environment to harmful chemicals and pesticides. One man's trash is another man's treasure right? The same goes for those old jeans you've only worn once but recently decided you no longer love. Reduce, reuse, recycle, folks!

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"Mama Earth suffers whether our new tags say Prada or H&M," writes Kühn, and I couldn't have said it better myself. And unless you are treating yourself to a monthly shopping spree, three months is a cake walk. Interested in joining the #87daysofvintage challenge? Here are three ways to get you started on the road to a greener wardrobe.

1. Sell and shop

Thrift shops like Plato's Closet, Goodwill, and Unique are filled with previously owned clothing items, from shoes and accessories to dresses and jeans. They also accept donations, and some thrift stores will even buy your used clothes. Use that money to buy yourself something thrifty chic.

2. Swap with friends


Any time my friends and I get into our spring cleaning modes, we aset aside a pile of clothes we haven't touched in a year or have fallen out of retail-love with. We'll plan a date to grab a coffee, sit down in one of our rooms and swap, that way we'll have made time to catch up and part ways with a few new additions to our wardrobes in the process. Shopping through your besties closet is a free way to revamp your style. That maxi skirt you knew was a total impulse buy? It's yours now. Snatchies.

3. Embrace the hand-me-down

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We all may not have wardrobes like the Kardashians, but if you have a few older sisters or cousins, there are always pieces you end up "borrowing" anyway. If it was cool once, it could be cool again. The trick to any hand-me-down is to make it yours, but remember its history.

Images: Getty Images (3)