What Is Ian Thomson From 'Bachelorette' Doing Now?

Ian Thomson had a surprising exit from The Bachelorette after his shockingly terrible speech about how he's too good for Kaitlyn. Princeton-educated Ian was an early frontrunner, but once he started shaming Kaitlyn for making out with the guys, it was all over. The episode ended on a cliffhanger, but, let's be real: Kaitlyn's gonna send him home. Nobody talks to her like that and gets away with it. But, now that we know he (probably) isn't engaged to Kaitlyn, what is Bachelorette contestant Ian Thomson up to now?
It's actually pretty hard to tell. After that blowup, and his (presumed) hasty departure from the show, a Twitter account attributed to Ian with the handle @IanT21 started tweeting like crazy about how Ian should be considered for the next season of The Bachelor. It seemed surprisingly ambitious, but not out of character from what Ian said in his dramatic exit monologue. ("Who I am is a gift that you unwrap for life.") But, as it turns out, the real Ian Thomson claims he doesn't use Twitter, and the account was fake. The account is now suspended, and the question of what the real Ian is doing remains just a little more mysterious.
Whether Ian is actually the villain the show made him out to be, or not, he's certainly gotten people talking. So, if you're curious, here's what I've surmised that he has been doing since The Bachelorette wrapped filming.
Ian Is Staying Off Of Social Media
In addition to his lack of a Twitter account, Thomson also doesn't have a Facebook or Instagram. That's a little surprising for a guy who wants to become a reality TV star, and also pretty rare for a 28 year-old. But, it's a pretty smart strategy for avoiding social media hate.
He's Back At His High-Level Job
Now that the show is done filming, he's likely back in Los Angeles working for his firm. Ian's LinkedIn still lists him as a high-level corporate recruiter, seeking out CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and other executives for his clients. Compared to the "amateur sex coach" and all of the other fake-y job titles presented during the initial limo night meet & greet, his career is pretty impressive.
He's Impressing Everyone With His Background
With Ian's newfound TV fame, his Princeton education and his record-breaking collegiate running career are both easily available online. I have to say, he is pretty impressive, even though his time on Bachelorette didn't exactly emphasize all of his best qualities.
And Inspiring With His Story
In a recent interview with Runner's World, Ian opened up about the car crash that he mentioned on The Bachelorette. The victim of a hit-and-run, Ian suffered injuries over his whole body. But, he slowly worked his way back to full health, and as Ian says, "I was told if I had not been an athlete, I would have died on impact when the car hit me." Instead, now he can run fifteen miles a week and do death-defying dance moves.
It Seems Like He's Still Single
With his total online blackout, it's hard to tell if Ian has a new girlfriend, but I doubt his ex-girlfriend was pleased that Ian said she was hotter than Kaitlyn on his way out the door. (Classy move, Ian.) While it's possible that Ian has moved on, I'd imagine that every gossip blog would have been on top of that, especially considering he was such a fan-favorite this season.
And He Would Make For A Cliche-Busting Bachelor
The Bachelor/ette franchise has had a terrible track record with diversity in the past, with only a few nonwhite contestants ever taken seriously or considered for a spot as the Bachelor or Bachelorette. While Ian didn't make a great impression on this season of The Bachelorette, the rest of his resume does make him sound like an interesting candidate. And a Bach that doesn't even have a Twitter account? That would be a true surprise.
Image: Felicia Graham, Heidi Gutman, Matt Petit/ABC (5); Giphy (2)