The 10 Most Caffeinated Cities In America

When I was in seventh grade health class, we all had to do a research project on a drug and present our findings to the class. Naturally, I picked caffeine, because I was a smartass and wanted to point out that no one specified that we had to select an illegal drug. I actually learned a lot of interesting stuff about caffeine (did you know that a lethal dose of coffee is about 100 cups?), and to this day I'm still interested in it, so I was particularly excited to find this map that shows the most caffeinated cities in America. Do you live in one of them? If so, then you probably also live in Florida. Seriously, you guys — so many Floridian cities made the top 10 that I'm willing to bet that it's also the most caffeinated state in the nation.
Honestly, in my world, as a college student, caffeine seems to be everywhere. I mean, so is soda and Adderall (we're just really into stimulants, I guess), but you're hard pressed — hard French pressed, if you will — to find an hour of the day when the line at Starbucks isn't out the door. Then again, I attend the most caffeinated university in the country, whatever that means.
This particular map was curated by Find the Home, which collaborated with Find the Company to ascertain which cities in America had the greatest number of coffee shops per capita. There seems to be a disproportionate number of warm weather cities in the top 10, but I guess iced coffee is a big deal, too.
You can check out the full map below, which details the coffee shop figures for literally everywhere in the U.S. (and it's interactive!) — but I know you're just waiting to see if the city you live in is on the list, so without further ado, here are the 10 most caffeinated cities in America:
10. Kendall, FL
Kendall has an average of 13.27 cafés per every 10,00 people, and a population of 77,018.
9. Santa Fe, NM
Santa Fe clocks in at 13.95 cafés per 10K people, with a population of 68,800.
8. Newport Beach, CA
I'm from California and I didn't even know Newport counted as a city. Live and learn. Cafés per 10K people: 14.07, population: 86,00.
7. Delray Beach, FL
See what I mean about the warm weather thing? Delray has 14.22 cafés per 10K people and a 61,875 person population.
6. San Francisco, CA
San Fran has 14.69 cafés per 10K people and a population of 817,501.
5. Sarasota, FL
It sort of makes you think they only did this study in Florida, doesn't it? Sarasota has 14.83 a cafés per 10K people along with a population of 52,588.
4. Seattle, WA
Ah, the home of Starbucks. This one makes sense. Seattle has 15.01 cafés per 10K people and a population of 624,681.
3. Santa Monica, CA
Shoutout to my aggressively caffeinated hometown! Hey, we need to be perky for hot yoga. Luckily we have 15.87 cafés per 10K people and a population of 90,752.
2. Boca Raton, FL
Boca Raton has 16.15 cafés per 10K people and a population of 86,671.
1. Miami Beach, FL
There are literally more places in Florida on this list than I could have named in Florida. Miami has 21.70 cafés per 10K people and a population of 89,412.
The United States - A Map of the Most Caffeinated Places in America | FindTheHome
Images: hsuyo/Flickr; Giphy (10); Find the Home