
9 Things That Are Sabotaging Your Orgasm

by Emily McClure

Haven't been having great sex lately? Well, there could be a several outside factors affecting your sex life. Whether it's overanalyzing or simply not being in the mood, there are many triggers that could be sabotaging your orgasm. Having sex is such a multifaceted event that you don't need to let anything stand in your way of achieving the big O. Learn your bodies triggers and responses to the things around you. Once you find out what makes you tick, you can do you best to overcome these measures.

Wondering how this could happen? Well take a look at what's happening around you. What did you do today? What did you eat? Little things like that could totally set up your sex life for failure. Be aware that your body is receptive to all kinds of outside things. In order to achieve your perfect orgasm, you have been in the right environment both mentally and physically. Comfort is key when reaching for a pleasurable ending. Once you're able to overcome any sexual obstacles, your on your way to a perfect ending. Don't know what those unsexy stimulates could be? Here are a few ways that you could be sabotaging your own orgasm.

1. You're over thinking it

If your mind is full of overlapping details, how do you ever expect to reach your orgasm? Let your mind wander, and enjoy the sensations. Sex is supposed to be a fun activity. Let go!

2. You just ate

Trying to go at it after eating too many chicken wings? We've all been there. Sometimes you need to rest up before exerting yourself in full force. Tell your partner you need some one-on-one cuddle time before anything gets going.

3. It's painful

Is there too much friction? Too much thrusting? Painful sex is the worst, and will definitely keep you from reaching your orgasm. Try talking to your partner to make a change of pace. After all, sex is two-way street.

4. You're dry

Always, always, always use lubrication. Dry sex leads to painful sex leads to not having sex. Nobody wants that. Prepare yourself by prepping yourself. It's in everyone's best interest.

Babeland Silk Lube, $16, Babeland

5. Outside noises

Can you hear your washing machine running? Is your neighbor blasting their music again? Outside noises can totally distract you from sex, and ruin the mood. Quiet all noises that your can, and focus on what really matters while you're having sex.

6. Being drunk

Are you a little too drunk to function? That could be the reason that you aren't having the best sexual experience. Whether it's getting the spins or feeling nauseous, sex should always be had when you're feeling your best.

7. Talking to much

Whether it's dirty talk, baby talk, or overall just too much chatter, talking can definitely ruin your mood. Trying kissing your partner quiet or simply telling them silence is your golden ticket.

8. Being rushed

While quickie sex may sound fun, sometimes it's not the best way to achieve an orgasm. Feeling like you have to finish quickly can give anyone anxiety. Before you get hot and bothered, decide if you have enough time to finish the deed.

9. Your dog is watching

'Sup Fido? Having your pet in the room while you're getting down can be completely awkward. If this freaks you out, then make sure to clear the room beforehand.

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Images: Giphy (9); Pexels (1)