7 Inmates That Need An 'OITNB' Spinoff

One of the best parts of the Netflix hit Orange Is the New Black (besides the beauty lessons it teaches) is that the cast is wonderfully diverse and talented. Each inmate (and, in Bennett's case, guard) is given his or her own moment in the spotlight. Viewers watch the characters interact while also learning their backstories, and the result is that we really feel we've come to know them well. That's why some of the OITNB characters could totally carry their own spinoff show.
Each season, I find myself falling in love with the complexities of certain characters. Given that the cast is comprised of roughly 10 million people, it's understandable that we can only learn so much about one person at one time. Hence why a spinoff is the perfect solution to satisfy Orange Is the New Black fans who can barely wait a year in between seasons. Not only do viewers get more OITNB, we can learn more about the most dynamic characters. (Um, hint hint, Netflix.)
As much as I love my Litchfield inmates, not every character is spinoff-ready. It takes someone with a particularly interesting story, a strong dose of charisma, and the chutzpah to ground an entire show. That said, here are seven inmates I think could carry a spinoff.
Come back from max, Nicky! From her hilarious comments to her saucy attitude, I could easily watch an entire series devoted to this inmate.
Sophia has enough complexities for one hundred spinoffs. (But I'll settle for one.) Laverne Cox is positively mesmerizing, and I have no doubt in my mind that she would bring all of the emotion with a Sophia-centric series.
Season 3 gifted OITNB with a softer, more likable Pennsatucky. Like many of the inmates, her backstory is gritty and complicated, but Taryn Manning brings it every scene.
If Red can rule Litchfield, then she's officially a force to be reckoned in the real world. I'd love to see her in her element.
Taystee and Poussey
Okay, so technically this is two inmates, but tell me you wouldn't love to see a whole series surrounding these two. Their relationship is one of the highlights of the show.
Everyone loves a good villain, and Vee is one of the baddest. She was a driving force behind so much of the drama in Season 2. I'm terrified (in the best way possible) to think of what she'd do with a spinoff.
Daya's life was complicated before she became pregnant with a guard's baby. Of course, Bennett only complicated things in Season 3, which is why I have a spinoff's worth of questions that I need answered.
Sorry, Piper. I know you're the main character, but these inmates would totally drive a compelling spinoff series if only they were given the chance. And I know I'd watch it with the same joy and love that I watch the original series.
Images: JoJo Whilden/Netflix;
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