Even though the season has only been airing for a week so far, Big Brother 17 's Twin Twist has been dangled in front of fans for what feels like forever. On Thursday, the much teased about twist was revealed by Big Brother matriarch Julie Chen. As fans on social media have predicted for the past week, Liz and her twin Julia are Big Brother 17 's Twin Twist. And the entire world gasped. Oh, wait, no.
Are we really surprised? I feel like I've spent the first week of the show already trying to figure out when Julia was playing the game and when Liz was playing the game. I swear I can tell a difference between the two sisters' faces, but then again, I could be mega-paranoid knowing that someone is trying to trick us at all times (name tags would be nice). According to Julie, the twins have switched four times since the beginning.
The switch hasn't come without its own issues. The two have to fill each other in while changing clothes in the Diary Room. It's actually pretty funny to watch. They get 10 to 15 minutes to fill each other in on what happened during the day they've been out of the game.
Moving forward will be interesting for the two women. The concept of the Twin Twist is that these two need to work together to succeed in this house, because even the smallest slip up could cause them the game. I'm hoping that these two keep their stories straight, because they seem like they could really pull this off and shock the houseguests on Week 5 (if they remain in the game undetected).
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Images: Robert Voets/CBS