Arielle Vandenberg & Matt Cushall's Cutest Moments

A few months ago, I had no idea who Arielle Vandenberg was, as I wasn't really a follower of Vine stars. Like, there has to be a limit on how many people I follow on social media channels before it actually conflicts with my own social life, right? Anyway, from what I discovered, Vandenberg is she's super talented, really, really funny, and absolutely gorgeous. Earlier this year, Vandenberg was rumored to be dating fellow comedian Will Arnett, although it seems that that relationship ship has already sailed. But after looking at her Vines, I couldn't help but wonder who Matt Cutshall was since he often co-stars in her videos. I don't know exactly what the status of their relationship is, but Arielle Vandenberg and Matt Cutshall definitely have a lot of chemistry together.
A lot of fans on the interwebs are hoping that these two are dating and, well, it's easy to see why. During an interview with Behind The Vine in 2014, Vandenberg was asked about Cutshall and she described him adorably as her best friend "in the universe." Whether there's anything romantic going on or not, we all know that the best relationships usually come from friendships, and this pair definitely likes each other... a lot.
Because I have no shame in rooting for their friendship/relationship/whatever, I gathered some of Vandenberg and Cutshall's cutest moments, because, well, they're really funny and cute together.
1. Everytime Matt Popped Up In This Video
He acts as her assistant and their comedic chemistry is just perfect.
2. When They Drank Coffee Together
Looking like a couple of models.
3. When They Wore Matching Frames
Because that's what BFFs do, right?
4. When They Laughed Together... A Lot
Being silly together makes the heart grow fonder.
5. When They Both Loved Cupcakes
A man who loves a cupcake as much as I do has a special place in my heart.
6. When They Got This Fan Drawing
That is when you know it is real.
7. When They Slow Danced
And not just anywhere, but all over Las Vegas.
Eh, I don't know about you, but if these two aren't dating in real life, they might need to get on that ASAP.
Images: mattcutshall/Instagram