
Want The Chance To Win Free Chipotle For A Year?

by Mikaela Gilbert-Lurie

No, you did not hallucinate this headline: You actually have the chance to win free Chipotle for a year, right now. All you have to do is play a game, and you'll be entered in a national sweepstakes to win several incredible prizes — the most important of which is, of course, free Chipotle burritos for a year. That's so many burritos, guys.

On July 21 (mark your calendars, that's in six days), Chipotle will launch an interactive experience called "Friend or Faux," in which you can learn about the differences between the ingredients that Chipotle uses and those used by its competitors. No matter what happens, you'll automatically win a coupon for playing the game entitling you to two burritos for the price of one next time you go. And you'll also be entered for a chance to win even better prizes.

100 people will win the "first place" prize, which is a catered Chipotle party for 20 people. This honestly sounds kind of stressful to me. I mean, how are you supposed to pick which 19 people in your life are worthy of free Chipotle? I mean sure, you love your mom, but will she appreciate it? What about your gluten-free college roommate? She's your best friend, but she can't eat tortillas, so what's even the point?

Luckily, if you're one of the 50 lucky grand prize winners, you can circumvent all of these emotional decisions, because those fortunate souls get free Chipotle for a year. There's a tiny a bit of a catch, of course; "free Chipotle for a year" in this case means 52 different $25 gift cards. However, that is more than enough for Chipotle for two people, once a week, for a year, meaning that you have can take 52 different dates to Chipotle. No way do you have more friends than that.

Important tip according to Refinery29: You can get an extra entry into the sweepstakes by tweeting with the hasthag #friendorfauxsweepstakes, or by sharing the Friend or Faux link for the sweepstakes on Facebook. We reached out to Chipotle for more details, but hadn't heard back by press time. We'll update as we learn more.

The sweepstakes is six days away, so here are six Chipotle food porn shots to whet your appetite. Happy friend-or-fauxing!

1. Yum

2. Oh, Boy

3. I Want to Go To There

4. Burrito Heaven

5. Nom Times 1,000

6. Guac-Coma

Not to be confused with glaucoma. That's a bad thing.

Images: Chipotle/Facebook; Compassionate.Creative, chipotlemexicangrill (6)/Instagram