Which Literary Heroine Are You Based On Your Style

As Cinna proves in the Hunger Games trilogy, fashion can be powerful. The right look can reflect your personality, express emotions, communicate important messages, or even spark a rebellion. Pretty powerful. And it's a power that plenty of ladies in literature have used to their advantage; from Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire, all the way back to Anna Karenina in her black ball gown, heroines in books often reveal plenty just through a carefully chosen piece of fabric.
And guess what? Your wardrobe discloses plenty about you, too, whether you realize it or not. It can even tell you which fictional female you're most like, based on the shoes in your closet and sweaters in your dresser. You might not cosplay your favorite character every day (or may you do, which would be totally awesome — plus, some things never go out of style), but your taste can still correspond to the fashion personality of a literary leading lady. After all, it's the spirit of the ensemble that really counts. The specific articles of clothing may not be the same, but by taking the idea behind the outfits of some iconic literary heroines, you can figure out exactly which fictional female you'd be based on your signature style.
Romantic Style: Elizabeth Bennet
If you favor lace dresses, pastels, cameo-inspired jewelry, and simple yet elegant pieces, you're Elizabeth Bennet. There's more to you than meets the (fine) eye, which is why you're drawn to clothing that tells a story. Bonus points if you own any "I <3 Mr. Darcy" apparel. Bonus bonus points if you used to own "I hate Mr. Darcy" apparel and now you own "I <3 Mr. Darcy" apparel.
Chic Style: Katniss Everdeen
If you turn to top designers for style guidance, you'd be a kindred spirit with Katniss. She had a little help in the fashion department, but knew the importance for dressing for an occasion and wore couture like a pro. How much did you love that fire dress?
Futuristic Style: Linh Cinder
The protagonist of Marissa Meyer's Cinderella retelling, Cinder, features a mechanic protagonist living in a futuristic world. She's independent, intelligent, and happens to be a cyborg. If you're a little ahead of your time (and you dress like it), you and Cinder would be fashion soul mates.
Preppy Style: Jo March
If anyone could pull off menswear, it would be the tomboyish and super-smart Jo March. Can't you just imagine her in sleek Oxford shoes and a pinstriped blazer with a crisp white button-down? If you can't get enough J. Crew and Ralph Lauren, because you have places to go and people to see (while looking as intelligent as you are), you'd probably relate to this Little Woman.
Quirky Style: Luna Lovegood
You march to the beat of your own drum. People have called you "unique," and you understand that that's the best compliment you could receive. If your wardrobe is bursting with color, you frequent thrift shops to find one-of-a-kind ensembles, and everything you own is a conversation starter, your fictional fashion sister is definitely Luna Lovegood.
Rocker Style: Arya Stark
You've always been a bit of a rebel. You wear leather year-round, everything you have is easy to move in (just in case you need to run away, or, for that matter, fight), and the idea of frills makes you roll your eyes — you're the tough and strong-willed Arya Stark.
Retro Style: Alice in Wonderland
Some people say that you're in a world of your own. This makes you think you should have been born in another era, or even an entirely alternate universe. Either way, the vintage dresses and peter-pan-collar necklaces of your wardrobe make you the modern day Alice in Wonderland.
Southern Style: Scarlett O'Hara
If the phrase, "the bigger the hair, the closer to God" is your mantra, you own a Kentucky derby hat (or several), and you never go anywhere unless you're dressed to the nines, your literary counterpart is Scarlett O'Hara. Strong-willed and fiery, Scarlett exuded southern glamour, though you prefer your skirts a little narrower so you can more easily fit through doorways. #HoopSkirtProblems
Classic Style: Jane Eyre
You are a free human being with an independent will, and you know that the best clothing is the kind that never goes out of style. You gravitate toward iconic, practical, no-frills pieces, because you're a strong and elegant person. Basically, you are Jane Eyre.
Sophisticated Style: Holly Golightly
Outspoken and enchanting, Holly Golightly was one of Truman Capote's most popular characters (especially after she was portrayed by the perfect Audrey Hepburn). She was quintessential New York, combining grit with glamour, and her style became iconic. If you know the best thing for any occasion is a little black dress, your fictional fashion counterpart is Holly Golightly.
Girl-Next-Door Style: Anne Shirley
If you favor sweet and practical outfits, but like to try the latest trend now and then, your girl-next-door style is just like Anne (with an "e") from Anne of Green Gables. Don't worry. Someday you'll get your dress with puff sleeves.
Alluring Style: Anna Karenina
When you walk into a room, all eyes are on you, even if you're in all black. If you favor darkly alluring pieces for a simple yet stunning wardrobe, your literary counterpart is Anna Karenina. Forget the lilac dresses. You know what you want when it comes to fashion.
Glamorous Style: Daisy Buchanan
Sparkling and glamorous, Daisy Buchanan is usually the first female who comes to mind when people conjure images of the 1920s. If you go for sequins, feathers, headbands, and other flapper-inspired wardrobe staples, you are the charming and captivating Daisy Buchanan.
Sweet Style: Cinderella
If you like to keep things simple, but enjoy dressing up every now and then, and above all you let your wardrobe reflect your kind nature, you're the classic fairy tale character — Cinderella. You enjoy sewing your own pieces (with a little help from mice. Just kidding), and the most cherished items in your wardrobe are family heirlooms. You usually go for a minimalist approach when it comes to clothes, but once in a while, you understand that a girl's gotta splurge on shoes.
Whatever The Heck You Want To Wear Style: Bridget Jones
You own drawers full of sweatpants and leggings because THEY. ARE. COMFORTABLE. Sure, you like looking cute, but some days you've got more important things to worry about. Though you are always saying you'll put in more effort, just like the hilarious and awesome Bridget Jones. Just like Bridget, you're extremely likable, because when it comes down to it, you put into words what everyone else is thinking: why CAN'T we all wear pajamas 24/7?
Images: Paramount Pictures(2), Lionsgate(1), Columbia Pictures(1), Warner Bros. Pictures(2), HBO(1), Walt Disney Studios(1), Loew's Inc(1), Focus Features(2), CBC(1), ABC(1), Miramax(1), Modcloth/Instagram(2), thehautepursuit/Instagram(1), fashionotes/Instagram(1), J. Crew/Instagram(1), Anna Akana/Instagram(1), Alexa Chung/Instagram(1), Lilly Pulitzer/Instagram(1), Madewell/Instagram(1), Mindy Kaling/Instagram(1), Whowhatwear/Instagram(1), H&M/Instagram(1), Lily James/Instagram(1), lovebrownsugar/Instagram(1), Anna Kendrick/Instagram(1)