Kiernan Shipka Is Don Draper's Daughter No More

Sally Draper is all grown up and teleporting in Kiernan Shipka's new movie, One & Two . The actress (and her flawless eyebrows) star in star in a new movie which, according to IndieWire, centers around "siblings gifted with the power of teleportation, but their unique talent splinters their family." If you think that sounds intense, then you're correct. The sentiment is confirmed in the trailer for the new movie.
If you're expecting to see Shipka reprising her character of Don Draper's angst-ridden daughter, then this isn't the movie for you. If you want to see Shipka showing off her incredible acting chops in a fresh role, then this is absolutely the movie for you. Not only is the rural setting far removed from Manhattan and the offices of Sterling Cooper, but the supernatural/thriller quality is perfect for Shipka's timeless beauty.
However, judging by the trailer, this is the exact post-Mad Men move Shipka needs to make. It's edgy without being polarizing and it's a starring role, whereas previously she was a supporting character. Nevertheless, One & Two retains a cinematic quality that is also found in Mad Men — an attention to visual detail that will definitely pay off for the young star.
One & Two will be available in limited release and VOD on Aug. 14. Until then, you check check out the most un-Mad Men-like moments in the trailer, like...
When We See Shipka On A Farm
Yes, she is chasing a chicken.
When Her Brother Is Not Bobby Draper
Don't worry, they still disagree.
This Stunning Shot
It's just a little too fantastical for Don Draper's world.
When Shipka Lights An Oil Lamp
Sorry, Sally Draper, but this is out of your league.
When Shipka And Her Brother Roughhouse In The Lake
Yeah, I'm having a hard time seeing this one, too.
When Shipka Vanishes
OK, definitely too out-of-this-world for Mad Men.
When Shipka Is In A Different World
It's unclear if this is the future or if she was previously living in a conservative community. Either way, it's an abrupt change for Shipka.
Images: IFC Midnight; IFC/ YouTube (7)