Does Clay From 'BB17' Have A Shot In The NFL?

I was not sure what to expect when I first saw Clay Honeycutt on Big Brother 17. My honest first thought was that I appreciated the eye candy, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. It's obvious that Clay has a handsome face. Plus, he has a pretty chiseled body which comes from his years training as a football player in high school and college. Clay played football for Texas A&M as a safety and he was not exactly the team's MVP. This is probably why he enrolled at Texas A&M to get his masters in sports management instead of pursuing a career as a professional football player and entering the NFL draft.
So does Clay have any interest in playing football professionally? I mean, he's been playing pretty much his whole life, so it's not a far fetched question to ask. Even if Clay wasn't the standout player in college, being in the NFL could still be a dream of his. But whether Clay actually has a possible future in the NFL is a different question. In short, there does not seem to be a shot at this becoming a reality. Why? Well, there are a few reasons.
He's On Big Brother
If Clay was super serious about becoming a professional football player, he would need to be training this summer, rather than competing on the reality series.
He Missed The NFL Draft
Clay just graduated from Texas A&M in the spring and the NFL draft took place from April 30 to May 2 so he missed the mark for this season.
He Only Started Twice In College
If Clay wasn't a starter in college, it is very unlikely that the NFL would see him as a top candidate all of a sudden. In fact, he only started twice in his college career, according to ESPN. For more on Clay, check out Bustle's Big Brother 17 podcast.
It is very difficult to become a professional athlete, no matter how talented you are or how much hard work you put in. Luckily, Clay hasn't put all his eggs in that one basket. He has modeling, school, and reality television to fall back on. Plus, his good looks don't hurt so I'm hoping that Big Brother isn't the last time Clay is in the public spotlight.
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Image: Robert Voets/CBS