What Was In Audrey's Mystery Bag On 'BB17'?

Brace yourselves, Big Brother fans, because we seriously have a situation on our hands. In case you haven’t been watching the live feeds, the drama surrounding Audrey on Big Brother 17 has hit an all-time high in the last few days. Since then, the Big Brother star has been holed up in her room and sleeping for hours on end. But, before that, the drama was still just as fierce: In fact, recently, Audrey spent FOUR HOURS in the Diary Room before emerging shrouded in a blanket and carrying a mysterious paper bag.
So, since contraband is definitely NOT allowed in the Big Brother house, I gotta wonder: WHAT’S IN THE BAG, AUDREY?
Let’s back it up a bit, shall we? In order to figure out what’s in this mystery bag, it’s important to look at all of the events leading up to and following this suspicious moment. Like how, the night before, Audrey claimed to be suffering an anxiety attack, saying she heard a ringing in her ears and was seeing hallucinations. Unfortunately, of this came on the heels of her soooorta sealing the deal on her eviction notice: She talked to A LOT of people on Day 32 and made it all too obvious that she cannot be trusted. Basically, before the bag appears, Audrey knows she’s doomed, has an anxiety attack over it, threatens to leave the house without being evicted — and then she retreated to the Diary Room for four hours.
Clearly Audrey is not doing well. Whether her behavior is contrived or legitimate has yet to be determined, but it seems severe enough that the production team has stepped in. They’ve already allowed her to eat pizza — a huge no-no for a have-not, which she is — and to skip the Power of Veto Ceremony. And only one person in Big Brother history has ever missed the Power of Veto Ceremony, and that was Season 16's Jacosta (because she was sick).
Clearly the production team is concerned about Audrey’s well-being. But are there more clues?
Well, after Audrey retreated to her room with the bag, her behavior continued to be erratic. She slept for hours on end and stayed in the dark, only emerging a handful of times to pace around the house in what seemed like a daze.
What is happening in these appearances is anyone’s guess. Is she putting on a show so people in the house believe she is losing it? Or did she, perhaps, request medication to help ease her anxiety? It certainly would explain the long stretches of sleep time she’s been clocking lately, and what was in the balled up bag. (Of course, this is just speculation and my own theory.)
Whatever it was, I hope Audrey gets better soon. I can only imagine the amount of pressure living in the Big Brother house puts on a person.
To keep track of everything going on in the Big Brother house, check out Bustle’s very own Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room. Listen to the latest episode below, and be sure to check out future episodes on Bustle’s SoundCloud page and iTunes.
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Image: CBS