9 TV Shows Every Aries Needs In Their Lives

Whether or not you put much stock into zodiac signs, you have to admit that there's something about the time of year you're born that ends up influencing your personality in some way or another. For Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, we tend to be impulsive and passionate (sometimes to the point of obsession), ambitious and intense. And while we're naturally curious about the world around us and always on the search for knowledge, we also have unfair expectations for the rest of the world to keep up with our often manic pace in every area of life. The entertainment we choose, from movies and music to TV series, isn't immune to this expectation, and since Aries tend to get bored easily, things have to grab our attention from the offset and work hard to keep it. Yes, we can be hard to please, but we're awesome anyway.
But it's not all bad for us Aries. We're a sign with discerning taste and we know what we like, so when we find TV shows that cater to our love of action and creativity and push our buttons in all the right ways, we're hooked and will likely keep watching all the way through to the end of its run, even if it gets bad. Because while Aries get bored, we're also fiercely loyal to someone we've grown to love and will stick around when the going gets tough (though hopefully it won't get tough).
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
A show doesn't have to be on the air to appeal to an Aries — that's what DVDs are for. Buffy, The Vampire Slayer is not only action-packed, but it has a badass female lead, and there's nothing our sign appreciates more than a strong woman.
30 Rock
Aries tend to have great senses of humor, but we like our humor fast-paced, and 30 Rock delivers. The jokes come nonstop, and every time you rewatch an episode, you rediscover a joke you missed the past 20 times you watched, which is just how we like it.
The X-Files
Government conspiracies, slow burn (like, nine years' worth) romance, danger and truth and the supernatural? Oh, and ANOTHER badass female lead? Yep, Aries are on board for it.
Most Aries I know are obsessed with music and feel it deeply, so an entire show that's basically like a musical soap opera is immediately appealing. There's another badass female lead in the form of Cookie Lyon, several storylines going on at once (so we never get bored) and a soundtrack that's to die for. What's not to love?
Broad City
Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer are geniuses purely because they're so good at embracing the everyday, which is where some of the funniest moments lie. Their comedy is understated but not subtle, if that makes sense, and it's a vibe that Aries can definitely dig.
Once Upon A Time
Aries value imagination and love to think creatively, so a show that retells the fairy tales we grew up on, interweaving them in clever, original ways is right up our street. There are also tons of — you guessed it — badass females on this one, so it's an all-around win (for the most part).
Inside Amy Schumer
Amy Schumer's sketch comedy is perfect because it's absurdity based on absolute truth, and that's something Aries love. We value honesty, of course, but we also like to see the humor in every situation, even the bad ones, and we like when people have the nerve to say stuff no one else will. Inside Amy Schumer is a breath of fresh air.
Orange Is The New Black
I know OITNB isn't necessarily just an Aries show — after all, who wouldn't love it? — but it is great for us since it features and celebrates so many different types of people and writes them in a way that's engaging and sincere, two things we're always looking for.
I know I said Aries aren't into things that are too slow, and sometimes Homeland can be, but that's for character-building purposes, so we don't mind it/it doesn't lose our attention. This show is intense and sometimes scary and other times maddening, but that's what keeps us glued to our screens.
Images: 20th Century Fox / Mutant Enemy Productions; Giphy (9)