
Kanye West Has Great Things To Say On 'I Am Cait'

by Sam Rullo

While Sunday night's series premiere of I Am Cait focused on Caitlyn Jenner, as it absolutely should, viewers were also able to see various family members and friends "meeting" Caitlyn for the first time, after previously knowing her as Bruce. And some of their messages were just as inspiring as those from the series' star herself. In a scene that came as a surprise for many, Kanye West appeared on I Am Cait alongside his wife, Caitlyn's stepdaughter Kim Kardashian, and he had amazing things to say. While Kanye is often mocked for his over-the-top persona and "rants" (i.e., how critics refer to him discussing the things he's most passionate about), his conversation with Caitlyn gave fans and media a reason to take him seriously.

"Kanye and I have never been very close, but I love his open mindedness, and I love how he's helped Kim come to grips with this," Caitlyn said in a voiceover as Kim and Kanye arrived to her house. After briefly meeting Caitlyn's family members, Kanye praised her for having the courage to come out as transgender in a society that is often less than accepting.

I think this is one of the strongest things that have happened in our existence as human beings, that are so controlled by perception...You couldn't have been up against more...and [you're like] f*ck everybody, this is who I am.

It was a powerful statement said in a way that's very familiar to any Kanye fan — the rapper often analyzes society as a whole and criticizes the problems he sees within it. But the best part of the exchange was, once Kanye gave that support, the conversation moved on to something totally mundane: his sneakers. He didn't need to dwell on Caitlyn's appearance or ask any intrusive questions. He simply applauded her strength, then explained to her family why his "sock sneakers" were untied.

While in all likelihood, this will be the notoriously private rapper's only appearance on I Am Cait, I'm glad fans and haters alike were able to hear his words and hopefully, be inspired by them.