The 10 Best-Selling Books On Kindle, EVER (And Yes, 'Fifty Shades' Is On The List)

November 18 marks the 10 year anniversary of Amazon's original Kindle release, and in honor of a decade of digital reading, we're sharing 10 of the best-selling Kindle books of all time. Featuring thrillers, erotica, young adult novels and more, you might be surprised to learn which books you've read, and which ones you still need to check off your TBR list.
When the original Kindle launched in 2007, it was so popular, that it sold out within just a few hours. Despite nostalgic bibliophiles (myself included) who tried to resist the technological advances in reading, the iconic e-reader quickly took over the book world and changed the way interacted with their libraries. Now, ten years and so many cool and unique updates later, the Kindle in all of its many forms is a favorite among book nerds, even readers like me who swore they'd never make the switch. (What can I say, it's just so cool and convenient, how could I not?)
In honor of this iconic bookish device's 10 year anniversary, here are 10 of the most sold Kindle fiction books of all time, according to new insights from Amazon Charts shared with Bustle. Which ones have you read, and which ones are you adding to your To Be Read pile?
Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy by E.L. James
It's hard to believe that a story originally written as Twilight fanfiction would go on to become a bestselling, record-breaking book and movie series, but thanks in part to e-readers like the Kindle, the Fifty Shades trilogy did just that. The first installment, Fifty Shades of Grey, owns the #1 spot on Amazon's list of the bestselling Kindle books of all time, and the erotica's steamy follow-ups — Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed — claim #5 and #6 respectively. Whatever you may think of the series, one thing is clear: readers can't get enough of Anastasia and Christian Grey's passionate (and kinky) love story.
Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Kindle's second all-time bestselling fiction series may have just as much leather as its first, but the two couldn't be any different from one another. Suzanne Collins's young adult series about a fiery heroine and her unstoppable journey to bring peace, justice, and freedom to her people dominates Kindle's list of the most sold fiction books at spots #2-4. A fun and fierce read loved by teens and adults alike, The Hunger Games trilogy deserves a space on everyone's digital bookshelf.
'Gone Girl: A Novel' by Gillian Flynn
In her runaway hit Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn introduced readers to one of the most unreliable and compulsively readable narrators in suspense and thriller history. Her twisted romance murder-mystery was one of the most talked about books of 2012, and now five years and one film later, Gone Girl has become one of the most read books in Kindle history. Sharp, surprising, and oh-so-satisfying, Nick and Amy's dark love story is one for the digital ages.
'The Girl on the Train' by Paula Hawkins
When The Girl on the Train hit bookshelves, both physical and digital, it became an instant bestseller. When the film adaptation starring Emily Blunt was released, Paula Hawkins's novel saw even more love from readers, and now, it is one of Kindle's top 10 most sold fiction books of all time. Brimming with mystery, suspense, thrilling action, and evocative emotion, The Girl on the Train is a smart psychological that keeps Kindle readers rapidly clicking through the pages until it's killer surprise ending.
'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett
A heartwarming novel about race, class, identity, and the unbreakable bond of female friendship, The Help has found success in all of its many forms. Not only is the inspirational story a #1 New York Times bestselling novel and an Academy Award-winning film, but Kathryn Stockett's 2009 work of literary historical fiction also makes the cut on Kindle's 10 all-time bestseller list, too. A beautiful book featuring some of modern literature's most memorable women, The Help should be in everyone's digital library.
'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green
The second of only two young adult authors on Kindle's all-time bestselling fiction books list — and the only male author to top the chart — John Green is a superstar in just about every realm of the book world, including the digital one. His heartbreaking love story about two cancer-stricken teens, A Fault in the Stars, has dominated bestseller lists across multiple publications and formats since its original publication in 2012, and the film version even went on to become the biggest pre-selling love story in movie history. A piece of advice for Kindle readers who haven't downloaded this must-read YA: you might want to put on a waterproof case before reading, because it is guaranteed to make you sob ugly tears, and a lot of them.