TV & Movies
Sex & The City’s First Sex Scene Almost Involved A Kennedy
The series almost got political in its opening minutes.

Sex and the City almost got political in the first two minutes of the series. On the Jan. 20 episode of Kristin Davis’ new podcast, Are You a Charlotte?, she revealed that the show’s first-ever sex scene almost included a Kennedy family member.
Davis was joined by guest star Sarah Wynter, who noted that she was “the first person to have sex on Sex and the City.” As fans may recall, Sarah Jessica Parker’s Carrie Bradshaw narrated Elizabeth’s (Wynter) affair with an investment banker, played by Scott Bryce, in the series premiere. However, according to Wynter, they initially cast an actor with a significant political pedigree.
“I remember the person that they had cast to play the boyfriend was not the person that wound up getting the job on set,” she told Davis. “So, I was surprised when I got on set. They had cast Christopher Lawford, who was John Kennedy Jr.’s cousin. He was at the read-through.”
Lawford is the son of President John F. Kennedy’s sister, Pat Kennedy Lawford, and British actor Peter Lawford, which makes him JFK’s nephew and John F. Kennedy, Jr.’s cousin. After writing several books about his addiction struggles, he became an actor in the ’90s, with stints on shows like The O.C. and All My Children.
Why Did He Not Appear?
Neither Davis nor Wynter knew why Lawford, who died of a heart attack in 2018 at the age of 63, ended up being replaced in the episode. However, Wynter thinks his initial casting was genius.
“I remember thinking, ‘That’s perfect.’ To have, like, this Kennedy — not Kennedy-esque, Kennedy,” she recalled.
Where Elizabeth Would Be Today?
Sadly, after her beau ghosted her, Elizabeth was never seen again on SATC. However, the two still wondered what may have happened to her after that brutal breakup.
“Maybe she won a Pulitzer or something,” Wynter speculated. “I don't know. She was a journalist. “Maybe she does a cover story on Carrie. I feel like my character had all her, you know, triumphs off camera. he found love. She found a great guy.”