
Your Guide To Taking Charge During April’s New Black Moon

Where you lead, I will follow.

The new moon arrives on the cusp of Mar. 31 and Apr. 1 2022.
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Arriving on Mar. 31/Apr. 1, the new moon in daredevil Aries offers a rare opportunity to completely rebrand while taking charge of your goals. The thrill-seeking fire sign is hyping up all of your passions, so you'll want to take full advantage by following these do's and don'ts.

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DO: Dive Into Your Creative Projects

It's time to bring all of your new year's resolutions back to the forefront. What creative ideas have you been keeping up your sleeve? This lunation is more of a nosedive than a gentle nudge, so pick a creative project and jump in headfirst.

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DON’T: Forget To Rest

Between the sun and Mercury, the planet governing all things related to the mind and communication, stationed in gutsy Aries, it can seem like everything is running a gazillion miles an hour. It's important to use the renewing energy of the new moon to reset.

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DO: Be Unapologetically Yourself

Ruled by the first house of identity, Aries is a champion of being authentic to themselves without caring about what others think. Follow the fire sign's brazen attitude and use the new moon to indulge in all the activities that make you, you.

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DON’T: Lose Sight Of Your Goals

While Aries are notorious for spearheading their goals and starting trends, their cardinal modality makes them prone to being impatient and abandoning projects. Keep your eyes on the prize and remind yourself that big results take time.

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DO: Take Charge

Bossy? Nah. Aries prefers the term "kingpin." The cardinal sign is a leader by nature, so this lunation is all about assuming the role of pilot in all areas of life whether it's taking actionable steps to dominate your goals or making the first move in dating.

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DON’T: React Impulsively

Mars, the planet of aggression, might be the culprit behind Aries' short fuse. With all this fire energy, it can be almost too easy to give into outbursts and rage-quitting. To avoid rash decisions, meditate or take a stroll through nature to cool off.

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DO: Challenge Yourself (And Others)

Are you in the mood for good-natured competition? Aries is all about friendly rivalry, even if it's just for the bragging rights. The new moon is a perfect time to invite your pals to game night or push each other at the gym.

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