Here’s The Correct Way To Delete Your Tinder
No, you can’t just remove the app from your phone.

After your 100th dead-end conversation about tacos and The Office, you might need a little break from dating apps. But if you’ve locked it down with your new crush or want to focus on meeting someone offline, you may be looking to officially break it off with Tinder. Yet, with a bunch of setting tabs, you might be confused about how to actually delete your Tinder account. Whether you want to hide it, pause it, or full-send delete, when it comes to getting rid of your Tinder — you’ve got options.
How To Hide Your Profile From Other Users
If you don’t want to be shown in the card stack to new people, or if you just want to keep talking to your current matches without the chance to make new ones, “Hiding” your profile may be your best best. There is a way to make new matches though, if someone you’ve already liked sees your profile and likes you back. To select this option, open the Tinder app, head to “Settings”, scroll past the preferences for distance and age. Under that, you’ll see a section labeled “Show Me on Tinder.” Toggle it off and then you won’t be shown to anyone new.
How To Pause Your Tinder Account
If you want to stop using Tinder but don’t want to lose all your matches, or if you know you’ll want to come back to your page eventually, Pausing your account may be the move. Pausing means you’re signed out of Tinder and you won’t be shown in the card stack, but the second you chose to sign back in, your account with your pics, bio, and matches, will be instantly restored. To Pause your account, open Tinder and hit settings. Scroll to the bottom of the page, until you see “Log Out” and “Delete” above and below the Tinder logo. Select “Delete” then a screen will emerge prompting you to “Pause” your account. Hit that, and you’re good to go.
What Happens To My Account If I Just Delete The App From My Phone?
So you found someone to watch Love Island and eat Thai food with and you’re ready to delete Tinder altogether. Unfortunately, just removing the app won’t get you off the grid. If you just delete the app from your phone, your Tinder profile will still be out about town. In other words, even though you aren’t using the app, others can still see your profile, swipe on you, and tell your monogamous partner that they found you in the swipe zone.
What Happens If I “Log Out” Of Tinder?
If you didn’t have enough options, there’s also the Log Out feature, which is different than pausing and deleting. When you “Log out” of Tinder, your account will be signed out on your phone, but still be circuiting in the last location you were swiping in. The “Log out” option is at the bottom of settings right above “Delete.” Before you log out, you can choose “remember me in this device” so you have a one-step sign-in the next time you sign-in on the same phone or you can choose “forget me on this device” so you’ll have to log back in with your password.
How To Actually Delete Your Tinder Account
So you’re ready to fully delete your account — none of this pausing or logging out, you want your entire profile gone. If you want your profile deleted, open the app and head to Settings. Scroll down to “Delete” and press “Delete my account.” You’ll need to give a reason — “I don’t like Tinder,” “I met someone,” or “I want a fresh start” etc. Once you chose a reason, you’ll be asked again if you want to “Delete” it or just “Pause”. After you choose “Delete”, you’ll get a notification confirming it, and your account will be gone and you’ll be logged out of the app, once and for all.