14 IG Captions About Winning That Los Angeles Rams Fans Will Love
“Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.”

If you felt something that was just all of Los Angeles celebrating the fact that the Rams won the 2022 Super Bowl. Cue confetti! Pop champagne! Baptize your friends, family, and fellow sports fans in Gatorade! When you’re done celebrating IRL, it’s time to take to the internet to post an Instagram caption celebrating LA’s Super Bowl win. Why else does the football emoji exist if not to post joyfully on Instagram?
While no one loves a braggadocious winner, we can all appreciate or at least acknowledge a clever Instagram caption. I mean, the word “humblebrag” was coined because people literally cannot help themselves when it comes to talking about their accomplishments. The same is true of the sports teams we love.
Beyond hometown loyalty or loving players you grew up with, there is science behind loving sports, specifically sports wins. As the Columbia Journalism Review reported in 2014, cheering for a sports team you love ties into greater parts of being a person like our desire to be part of a larger community, our penchant for empathy, and the way sports, like art, can make us feel an array of emotions with little direct consequence to ourselves.
So, go ahead. Gloat a little. It's good for your brain. Here are Super Bowl Instagram captions that LA fans will love and everyone else will at least respect a little.
1. “Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.”
There’s some question about who actually said this quote. Some attribute it to football legend Vince Lombardi. Others say it was UCLA Bruins football coach Henry Russell Sanders. There is zero question about how good winning feels.
2. “I’m not crying. I just got onion dip in my eyes.”
3. “It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up.” — Vince Lombardi
4. “LIVin’ the dream”
Give in to the desire to make a pun using roman numerals. After that game, deserve it.
5. “To quote modern-day philosopher, DJ Khaled, ‘ALL WE DO IT WIN.’”
6. “Haven’t been this happy since I realized you could put french fries on top of a pulled pork sandwich.”
7. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be watching highlights from this game until forever.”
8. “It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game...but winning does feel pretty good though.”
9. “Gonna call in sick to work tomorrow. Came down with a case of winning.”
10. “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”
If this doesn't call for a Friday Night Lights quote, then I don't know what does.
*insert infinite dancing emoji*
12. “Came for the Rams to win. Stayed for the beer.”
13. “You’re either a Rams fan or you’re wrong.”
14. “A trophy carries dust. Memories last forever.”— Mary Lou Retton
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