
4 Things To Do & 3 To Avoid During Neptune Retrograde 2022

Make some time for serious self reflection.

Graphic of Neptune. Neptune retrograde 2022 begins on June 28 and is all about separating reality an...

Neptune, aka the planet governing dreams and all things spirituality, is officially retrograde on June 28 in its home sign, Pisces, shaking us out of our lofty daydreams for the next five months. Be prepared for the collective wake-up call with these dos and dont's.

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DO: Deep Self-Reflection

Neptune is the planet associated with the subconscious. Its backspin is ideal for getting acquainted with our inner world and shadow self, or the parts of ourselves that we aren't exactly proud of, through things like journaling or meditating.

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DON’T: Get Caught Up In Delusion

Are you following a hunch or making decisions based on your emotions? Neptune retrograde is shattering any illusions — especially the ones we create ourselves. Think critically, explore your options, and consider all angles.

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DO: Be Realistic

Neptune's backspin is all about helping you discern fact from fiction. With Saturn, the planet governing discipline and limitations, also in retrograde, this period is pushing the collective to think logically, especially when it comes to ambitions.

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DON’T: Discredit Your Dreams

The stars are giving us tough lessons, but Neptune's magic is still sprinkled in the mix. It's not so much about crushing your dreams but getting real about how to reach them. Keep your dreams alive by making concrete plans of action.

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DO: Keep Yourself Grounded

With heavy Piscean energy blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, getting lost is pretty inevitable. Frolicking in nature, deep meditation, and confiding in a trusted friend are all ways to keep you centered when you feel overwhelmed.

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DON’T: Deceive Others

Whether you're embellishing the truth or being dishonest about your own feelings, Neptune's rewind is unveiling all the ways we may mislead those around us. This period is about having uncomfortable conversations and confronting your own delusions.

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DO: Create Boundaries

Typically, Neptune is your green light to dream big and without boundaries. Its backspin is a reminder to know your limits and establish clear lines, whether you're creating boundaries with friends or creating a comfortable work-life balance.

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