Here's Your November 2020 Horoscope, Capricorn
Be aware of how you slow your own growth.

Here's Your November 2020 Horoscope For Capricorn
Scorpio season provides you with the opportunity to review your life path and decide how you’d like to move forward. Libra Mercury retrograde within your house of career and legacy is challenging you to reevaluate your professional expectations. It’s important that we understand the importance of community as it pertains to our legacy, as they’re the ones who are most likely to tell our stories. Are you taking on too much of other people’s baggage? As Mercury moves forward in Scorpio, you may find yourself switch from meeting others’ desires to understanding why you’re called on for the task. There’s nothing wrong with helping others, but just make sure that it isn’t coming at the expense of your dreams.
What November 2020 Has In Store For Capricorns’ Relationships
November is centered around your ability to recognize and tend to the needs of those around you, as well as your own. You may feel a cardinal and emotional desire to show up for those closest to you, especially since once people enter your inner circle they’re like family. On Nov. 1, you’ll assess your partnerships and how they impact the person you’re becoming. You’re no stranger to looking at your reputation and with Mercury retrograde in Libra and the moon in Taurus on Nov. 1, you’re called to check in with yourself. Do you hear alternative perspectives or do you let your sometimes stubborn nature get the best of you? On Nov. 3, the ruler of your house of close relationships, The Moon, enters Gemini and conjuncts the North node. Be aware of how you slow your own growth, Capricorn. Stop shooting yourself in the foot and let yourself prosper for a change.
Tarot Card of the Month For Capricorn
Strength: Don’t lose hope, Capricorn. While times may be tough, you’re a survivor.
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