
Signs That You Should Consider Eating Less Soy

by Isadora Baum, CHC

Soy can be a really great source of protein, especially for those who don't eat meat. However, like with any food, allergies or intolerances can exist, and there are times when you shouldn't be eating soy, as it can lead to a slew of digestive and health problems. Whether or not you can tolerate it, eating soy too often or in excess amounts is also unhealthy, so finding proper serving sizes of organic tofu is equally important in maintaining your health and reaping its benefits.

As a certified health coach, I work with clients on finding different foods that support their bodies and lifestyles. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to eat whatever is in front of them with ease and digestive comfort. Sometimes certain foods don't sit well and should be avoided. Together, we find out what these foods are (if they exist at all) and work on incorporating different alternatives into their diets that will provide the same benefits without the harm. Soy seems to be a huge culprit amongst diet woes, so it's perfectly normal to experience weird symptoms after eating it. If you find yourself experiencing these 10 symptoms, it might mean that you're not able to break down soy as easily as other people, and you might want to eliminate it from your diet.

1. Tingling In The Mouth

According to Dr. Partha Nandi M.D., F.A.C.P, creator and host of the Emmy-award winning medical lifestyle television show, “Ask Dr. Nandi” and Chief Health Editor at WXYZ-TV (ABC) Detroit, over email with Bustle, tingling in the mouth after eating soy can be a clear sign of not being able to digest it well. If you notice this occurring, try eliminating it and see if it goes away.

2. Weird Bowel Movements

Nandi also cautions against weird bowel movements, such as "abdominal pain and diarrhea." If you notice discomfort in your belly region and abnormal bowels after eating soy, it could definitely signify a sensitivity. Try avoiding it to see if the stomach woes pass.

3. Swelling

Nandi says that it's common to experience swelling, especially in "your lips, face and tongue," right after eating soy products. If this is the case for you, know that something's up. Your body shouldn't swell after eating certain foods, so if it does, you should stop eating it or see a doctor to discuss the symptoms.

4. Acne

"Hormonal acne, particularly in adult women," is a common symptom, explains skin expert and researcher/founder of Simple Skincare Science, F.C. over email with Bustle. "This will usually show up as inflamed pimples around the chin and jaw. There's some reasonably good evidence that the isoflavones in soy reduce estrogen, which might lead to excess androgens, androgens being a big culprit behind hormonal breakouts," explains F.C.

5. Loss Of Consciousness

"Rarely, some people with allergy can go into shock with low blood pressure and loss of consciousness," says Nandi. If you notice any extreme occurrences after eating soy, immediately see a doctor to get help and cut out the soy to keep yourself safe from any harm in the future.

6. Hormonal Imbalances

If your hormones are imbalanced, it could be due to an inability to break down soy properly and poor digestion. If you're experiencing discomfort, mood changes, and weird bodily reactions due to fluctuations in hormones, a diet rich in soy could be to blame. Consider removing soy to see what happens.

7. Thyroid Complications Are Apparent

If you have thyroid disease, hypothyroidism, or hyperthyroidism, soy could just make symptoms worse, explains Liana Werner-Gray, a nutritional expert and founder of "The Earth Diet," over email with Bustle. "If you have any thyroid issues whatsoever stay away from soy. It just makes it worse," Werner-Gray explains.

8. An Already Slow Metabolism

According to Werner-Gray, if you already have a slower and more sluggish metabolism, you should avoid soy. While you might not know the speed of your metabolism, if you know that you generally are active and rev it up during the day, or you're of a younger age, you'll probably be okay; however, if you're older or more sedentary, you might want to reduce your intake to see if you find improvements.

9. Nausea & Vomiting

According to experts at Healthline, feeling sick and nauseated or even vomiting after eating soy products can be a warning sign of an intolerance or sensitivity. If this happens, consider an elimination diet to see whether soy is problematic within your diet and lifestyle.

10. Headache

According to experts at Livestrong, having a migraine, brain fog, or a headache after eating soy can occur in those who suffer from an intolerance or allergy. If you notice any pain in your head, lightheadedness, or sensitivity to light and sound, these can be clear warnings of a negative reaction to soy.

If you notice any of these symptoms happening to you, it could mean that you're not able to break down soy and should try and remove it, or at least reduce it, from your diet. There are plenty of other delicious foods to choose from.

Images: Pixabay (11)