
13 Things You Can Buy That Will Instantly Elevate Your Beach Day

by Megan Grant
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Packing for your next beach vacation? Put that sun visor down. No, seriously. Instead, check out this list for 13 things you don't really need for your beach vacation, but should absolutely buy anyway.

Every summer, millions of people flock to the beach to soak up the sun, take a cooling dip, and get sand in places they didn't even know they had. You've got your SPF. You've got your flip flops. You've got your styrofoam noodle that matches your swimsuit. But do you have... a floatie for your rosé? I didn't think so. We need to talk about the choices you're making in life.

Going to the beach is no longer about bringing the necessities. Sometime in the not-too-distant past, that all went out the window. Then we had avocado pool floats and towelkinis (that would be a bathing suit, towel, and dress all in one, because why not?), and let's just say the rules of the game have changed.

Once you've packed all the basics (you can grab your sun visor again now), move on to the following 13 items, which aren't exactly essential, technically, but you're probably going to want to buy them online anyway. You're welcome.


This Little Table to Hold Your Snacks and Drinks


Shatter Proof Wine Glasses


This Fully Padded Lounger

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