15 Gifts For 'Game Of Thrones' Fans Who've Read Every Book & Seen Every Episode

Winter is coming. For the characters of the Game of Thrones books, that means decades of cold, an eternal night of ice zombies, and quite possibly the end of civilization entirely. For the rest of us, that means overeating and buying gifts for our loved ones. So... it's not exactly the same situation, but if you want to prepare properly for a winter of Westerosi proportions, you're going to need a few things. Here are just a few of the ASOIAF accessories you didn't know you needed.
When you have a series as long and complex as A Song of Ice and Fire, there are a lot of things to draw accessory inspiration from. Would you like to slip a few golden dragons into your pocket? Or salt your salted beef with a salt shaker in the shape of a Stark direwolf? Or perhaps you'd rather hunker down with a board game based on the books, and stake your own claim on the Iron Throne.
And yes, many of these ASOIAF artifacts will also delight fans of the TV adaptation. But there are a few gifts made just for you, die-hard book fans, so prepare to nerd out over these accessories from all across the Seven Kingdoms:
Khaleesi & Drogo Themed Mugs
Khaleesi & Drogo Themed Mugs, $11, Dreamscapeink
This matching mug set is perfect for those days when you and your partner just want to spend the whole day indoors binge-watching or binge-reading Game of Thrones over cups of cocoa.
Daenerys Drogon Choker
Daenerys Drogon Choker, $2010, Mey London
This one is, um, a bit of a splurge, but the team behind MEY London includes Game of Thrones costume designer Michele Clapton, which means this is as authentic as it gets.
House Sigil Socks
Yas Khaleesi Enamel Pin, $10, Etsy
Some days, you hop out of bed feeling like a fierce, mentally unstable Targaryen. Other days, you wake up in a puddle from last night's wine bender, and you might feel a bit more like a Lannister. Either way, you'll want this Yas Khaleesi pin to keep you upbeat and motivated.
Jon Snow's Backpack

Jon Snow's Backpack, $60, Think Geek
When the cold winds blow and the ice monsters descend upon your kingdom from the distant north, you're going to want an adorable, furry little Jon Snow backpack to keep you warm. This bag also comes with a copy of the Night's Watch oath under the faux fur, to remind you of your sworn duties at all times.
A House Stationary Set

House Stark Deluxe Stationery Set, $23, Amazon
Why use email when you could simply write a letter on your house stationary, seal it with your house's wax seal, and strap it to your faithful raven for swift delivery? This deluxe stationary set lets you do just that (minus the raven).
A Khaleesi Robe

Khaleesi Robe, $30, HBO Store
If you're the queen of the Great Dothraki Sea, you must have the robe to prove it. This bathrobe does, admittedly, look much more comfortable than leather vests and horseback, but it still proclaims your queenly status with the word "Khaleesi" emblazoned in elegant golden script.
Dinner Is Coming Cutting Board
"Dinner Is Coming" Cutting Board, $12, MangoTCreations
Plot your uprising... or just chop your vegetables with this GoT themed cutting board.
'Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood' edited by Brian A. Pavlac

Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood, $13, Amazon
Here's one for you, book nerds: a collection of essays by various historians on the historical inspirations for A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. It's a fascinating book, covering everything from the War of the Roses to celibacy in medieval Europe to historical tales of dragons, elves, and ice monsters.
Dragon Egg Bath Bomb
Dragon Egg Bath Bomb, $16, Etsy
And then, of course, any true fan needs their clutch of dragon eggs... or dragon egg bath bombs. This one has a special surprise inside.
Game Of Thrones Targaryen Beanie
Targaryen Beanie, $35, HBO
For all of your upcoming adventures, stay as warm as the Dragon Queen with this Targaryen beanie.
Mother of Dragons T-Shirt
Mother of Dragons T-Shirt, $18, Etsy
Channel your inner Khaleesi with this adorable t-shirt.
Game of Thrones Tarot
Game of Thrones Tarot, $23, Amazon
OK, yes, these tarot cards do use the likenesses of the actors from HBO's Game of Thrones. If you're a book purist, you might be put off by that. But if you're looking to perform any blood magic rituals, you're going to need a pack of beautifully illustrated tarot cards inspired by the realms of George R.R. Martin.
White Walker Ice Cube Tray

Night King Ice Cube Tray, $20, HBO Store
Silly? Maybe. But think how satisfying it'll be to watch a White Walker's head slowly melt in your cocktail. You'll feel just like Sam the Slayer with your fearsome White Walker ice cube tray.
Game of Thrones Littlefinger Mockingbird Pin
Game of Thrones Littlefinger Mockingbird Pin, $15, HBO Store
This subtle homage to Littlefinger will only be noticed by the most astute of fans.
House Sigil Cookie Cutters

House Sigil Cookie Cutters, $15, Think Geek
Get your baking on with these adorable house sigil cookie cutters.