
Free Things To Do On Tax Day In 2017

by Maddy Foley

When you enter "the real world," there are myriad things you learn: Grocery shopping for one person is an unsolvable riddle, heaven includes in-unit laundry, and Tax Day is definitely in the middle of April because why else would every single adult make a joke about it within the same two-week span? If you're looking to celebrate like a real grown person, here are some free things to do on Tax Day in 2017. Because "adult" doesn't mean "rolling in money," and that's OK.

I only realized that Tax Day was any sort of a holiday when, my first year out of college, a coworker mentioned that her birthday was April 15 and then rolled her eyes, knowingly. "I know, right?" she said. "Figures. At least I always remember to pay my taxes!" I stared at her blankly, feeling very much like we'd suddenly started speaking two different languages. It wasn't until I was back at my desk, googling "April 15????!?!?" that I realized what she'd meant.

Though this year, Tax Day falls on Tuesday, April 18, its anchoring date is April 15, and has been since 1955. While that sweet, sweet refund may be on its way, most of us are in the limbo period of having paid taxes and thus, currently, having very little extra funds. Have fun, save your money, help out some other folks. What better way to spend a Tuesday?

1Go To The Library

Hi, libraries are incredibly important cultural institutions (supported, in part, by tax payers) that seek to democratize learning, what could possibly be your argument for not visiting one?

2Volunteer Your Time

Despite our constant commodification of ourselves, our time, while valuable, is free. Spend a few hours volunteering at a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, an animal shelter — figure out what aligns with your volunteer interests here.

3Snag Some Free Eats

A host of restaurants are treating customers to Tax Day treats this year; check out this list and hunt down some snacks.

4Spring Clean

Listen, I realize I'm in the minority of people who find cleaning fun (although in the name of transparency, I am a sporadic cleaner), but mid-April is the perfect time to engage in serious deep cleaning. Like, cleaning your baseboards deep cleaning.

5Host A Clothing Swap

Want to go shopping without spending any money? Host a clothing swap. This is especially great after you've — ahem — gone through your spring cleaning checklist and cleaned out your closet as well.

Invite friends and friends of friends over. Donate any unclaimed clothing items to Goodwill.

6Get Outside

Multiple studies have shown that being outside can boost your mood, and in the current political climate (no pun intended), it can be beneficial to disengage for a few hours.

7Call Your Mom

Or your dad, your grandma, your aunt, your step-sister — reach out to a family member, biological or chosen. Catch up. Maintaining interpersonal relationships can be difficult amid the stress of, uh, this world, but they can be life-saving.