These 9 House Plants Could Hold The Secret To Getting A Good Night's Sleep

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times — houseplants are the best. There are so many reasons why they're an absolute must and I could definitely bore your ears off for days on the subject. But guys, did you know they could actually help you get your 40 winks? Yep, instead of the 20 you are currently getting. This is not a drill and I'm going to let you in on some of the best houseplants for better sleep. Just you wait.
So yep, it looks like houseplants do even more than make a house a home. Some plants are especially well regarded for their air purifying properties. Which is absolutely vital in aiding a good night sleep because duh, breathing is just about as important as it gets. According to home website Hunker, they can also help as a natural humidifier to avoid dry sinuses and what I call "crispy nose" or "nasal whistle" — which has probably ended several relationships.
Moreover, a 2015 study by Chungnam National University in Korea found active interaction with your houseplants (like touching and smelling them) reduced physiological and psychological stress among participants. Which let me tell you adds extra credence to the belief that having a chinwag with your plant pals is good for not only them but you too.
1Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is more than just a topical friend to aid your various maladies. Oh no love. As Metro reports aloe vera produces oxygen at night time meaning your air will be purified and breathing will be improved greatly.
In my experience, it's also pretty easy to keep happy and healthy too.
2Bamboo Palm
Not only is this cute as hell and excellent for fake oasis realness, but according to NASA's clean air study, the bamboo palm is also great for purifying toxins like formaldehyde from the air which is great for making your bedroom the perfect place to snooze.
Did I mention how cute it is too?
3English Ivy
Ivy should 100 percent be a part of your plant shelf, not only for aesthetic reasons but also to help you get your snooze on.
A 2003 study found extract of dry ivy leaves can aid children with asthma breathe more easily (which means having a live one around can't hurt, right?). Also, according to WebMD, a 2005 study found the plant may reduce levels of allergens including airborne mould, therefore helping allergy sufferers sleep more soundly.
OK, big fat duh on this one because everyone knows lavender is associated with relaxation and sleep, right? Well science has only gone and backed that up. A study by the US National Library Of Medicine National Institutes Of Health found that "Lavender bath oil reduces stress and crying and enhances sleep in very young infants". AKA a drop of lavender oil in your bath does wonders.
You can also dry it and use it even when it's not in bloom so it is basically a win-win, if you ask me. However, you better have a sunny AF bedroom. Because in my personal experience, these plants love sunshine and you don't want to see it all sad and shrivelled do you?
Yes you guessed it, not only gorgeous but absolutely dreamy in its ability to, erm, help you dream. So much so that the brains over at NASA had it at the top of their list in a study they did back in 1989 called Interior Landscape Plants For Indoor Air Pollution Abatement.
Well if it's good enough for astronauts it's good enough for you, am I right?
Bromeliad is another type of tropical plant that's not only divine, but super keen to help you get a good night's rest.
During the day they absorb all that dastardly carbon monoxide and, according to Pro Flowers, in the evening release heaps of oxygen for you to breathe and rest easy.
7Snake Plant
The snake plant is hardy AF and will make your home look fresh out of an interiors magazine. Yes babe, I said it. Interiors magazine.
The NASA study I mentioned earlier also found that they are great for purifying formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene from the air. So say bye bye to toxic air and hi hi to fabulous freshness. Both in your air quality and in how you feel, fresh as a daisy, after a good night's sleep.
8Spider Plant
Another one of those plants that's so easy to care for if you can't keep it alive that's almost a skill in itself.
According to that NASA stud,y these plants are helpful in absorbing toxic benzene, carbon monoxide and xylene. And as AccuWeather reports, they filter odours so are useful especially if your home is less than lush.
So not only will you be aided in terms of respiratory issues but maybe you won't be kept awake by whatever that mystery smell is.
9Chinese Evergreen
Chinese evergreens are perfect for your bedside table because, according to the Flower Council Of Holland, not only do they purify the air but they need little or no attention and they can do well in lower light.
So you can fall asleep looking at something gorgeous and breathe easy too.
Above all, the rest, relaxation, and joy felt when looking at your plants will keep you happy as a clam and sleeping like a baby.