
'Bachelor' Duo Arie & Lauren Open Up About Their Miscarriage In A Heartbreaking Video

by Kelly Schremph
Presley Ann/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

They may have found their happily ever after with each other after The Bachelor, but that doesn't mean they haven't faced some heartache along the way. In a heartbreaking YouTube video, posted on Saturday, May 30, Arie Luyendyk Jr. and Lauren Burnham revealed they suffered a miscarriage recently and admitted that the last several weeks have been one of the most difficult times of their lives.

“A little over a month ago, we got the most exciting news and we found out that we were pregnant with our second baby,” the married couple captioned the video on their YouTube channel. “We made so many plans. We bought a new house with more space, we planned how we wanted to tell you all and we envisioned our future with Alessi’s little brother/sister.”

They went on to explain how they had planned to document the entire experience and share all of the footage of their second pregnancy journey, but unfortunately things didn't work out the way they had hoped. However, they still felt it was right to share what had happened with their followers in the hopes that "by talking about this we can make other couples going through these times a little less lonely."

The footage shows Lauren attempting to initially pull a prank on Arie, who had been suspicious during their quarantine together that she was pregnant. So she bought a pregnancy test and rigged one of them to make it read positive. However, when reading the results of the test she actually took, it showed that she was, in fact, pregnant, which threw them both for a loop. “That took a turn that we did not plan for,” Lauren told the camera, turning to their daughter Alessi to say, “You’re going to be a big sister.”

It's then that the couple recount what they've been going through over the last several weeks after Lauren's first ultrasound check-up at the OB/GYN’s office indicated that she was only five weeks along when she should've been closer to eight weeks. The doctor initially told her not to worry, but during the next follow-up appointment, the fetus still wasn't growing as fast as it should. By the time of the third appointment, they were told that Lauren had experienced a missed miscarriage, which is when the body has yet to recognize the pregnancy loss, so hormones continue to be released.

“It’s been a roller-coaster of emotions,” Arie continued. “Going from scared at first a little bit, because it was so soon, then happy, then just worried for weeks on end and then obviously today was the bad news. It’s something you can never really prepare for.” And while sharing their story wasn't an easy thing to do, they hope it brings a sense of comfort to others who have gone through a similar experience and let them know that they are not alone.