There are so many ways to get a pixie nowadays — from a long, sweeping crop like Anne Hathaway to nearly buzzed off like Ajak Deng — but Cara Delevingne's new pixie will get you scrambling to pick up a pair of scissors yourself, long hair be damned. Sometimes you want something wildly different and just a little bit adventurous, and changing your hair is the perfect way to shake things up. The model turned actress has traditionally sported her sandy brown locks long, throwing it into unique braids or wearing it loose and disheveled. The shortest she's gone was about shoulder length, where she debuted a choppy blunt lob that grazed her shoulders. But this pixie changes everything. Why?
Because it's drastic. Like, drastic drastic.
It's not a piece-y, bangs-in-her-eyes, kind of cut, but a total punk transformation. From the color to the shape, she changed it all and fearlessly. But as is typical of Cara D., she looks amazing in it, and not only because her previously-mentioned supermodel status. It fits her spunky and brazen nature, where it seems like she's always down to try something new and reinvent herself in some way. She's definitely not the type of person that sheds tears when a trim hacked off an extra half-inch than it was supposed to. So without further ado, let's reveal this transformation.
AMAZING, right? Okay, you might be hyperventilating because of how different it is, but even if it's not your own personal style you have to appreciate how bad-ass this is. Not everyone has to adhere to the idea of long, wavy, princess hair, and this edgy cut definitely suits her. Not only did she bleach it a platinum white and light pink, but she opted for a spiky, shorn kind of cut, where her ends are blunt and uneven. It definitely gives her a punk edge, and you can only imagine how her thick brows and blue eyes are going to pop against the cut and color.
But this might not be a permanent look for Delevingne — she admitted that she was buzzing her hair for an upcoming role in Life in a Year, and it appears that she has delivered. Way to commit to your work girl — and not be afraid of a bold cut.
Let this be an inspiration to us all.