This New Feature On Facebook Dating Has Never Been Available On A Dating App Before
Since Facebook Dating's launch on Sept. 5, users have been able to opt into crafting a whole new kind of dating profile. By integrating a social media platform that already contains so much about you into the Facebook Dating feature, your interests, groups, events, and daily happenings can be synced to your Dating profile. And one especially cool feature in the dating platform is that you can add your Facebook and Instagram Stories to your Facebook Dating profile.
Though users didn't have access to when Facebook Dating launched, the feature is now available for some users and will continue to roll out for more in the next few weeks, according to Facebook, and it's something you can either opt in or out of while creating your profile. In other words, Facebook Dating won't automatically share your Stories from Instagram and Facebook unless you want it to. If you do happen to opt-in, adding a Story to your Dating profile might feel pretty familiar if you're already used to sharing Stories on Facebook and Instagram.
But when it comes to dating apps, the ability to seamlessly include these Stories is a pretty big deal, and Facebook Dating hopes it'll help you make your profile more expressive. On top of that, by adding Stories to your Dating profile, you will be able to create more than just a static page for people to view. In that way, the feature could set Facebook Dating apart from the other mainstream online dating options that are out there right now.
As Facebook Dating puts it in the press release,
Today people are asked to make a decision as to whether or not they like someone immediately based on a static profile. To help you show, rather than tell, who you are, we're bringing Stories to Dating. This format lets you be authentic in a way that a typical dating profile can't, and it helps you get to know someone before and after you match.
This idea of getting to know someone after you match could be especially helpful, because you don't have to rely only on privately messaging a person to get a feeling for what they might be like IRL. Even though people cater their Instagram and Facebook Stories for public consumption, these posts still at least reflect the type of public persona someone is trying to craft. And that might help mediate some people's security concerns about dating online, since at least there's an extra layer of information and daily updates from a person that's not just catered to who they want to date.
So, by selecting to opt into sharing Stories, you will be able to exercise control over who sees what and what kinds of ways you want to present yourself on your Dating profile (which, again, will be separate from your regular Facebook profile). Adding your Stories, and seeing others' Stories, might just be the extra excitement and intimacy you've been wanting from Facebook Dating to begin with.
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