Here's How To Get Free Starbucks This Week
Great news, friends: turns out all that summer boob sweat has not been in vain. The Beverage Gods have smiled upon us all, and they’re giving us free iced Starbucks drinks as a consolation prize. In an attempt to help you cool off and get you sipping outside your comfort zone this summer, Starbucks is offering BOGO beverages from June 27 - July 2. That’s double the caffeine, double the sweetness, and double the reason to play hooky from work for an extended coffee break. But there are a few tricky stipulations to the deal you’ll want to consider to get the most out of the giveaway. Thankfully, I’m a *deal queen,* and worked out the fine print so you didn’t have to. Here’s how to get free Starbucks until July 2nd.
First things first: the "free" descriptor is a bit of a misnomer in this case, because it’s actually a buy-one-get-one deal. Customers who come in between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. (note the time span here, as this deal is only available during the afternoon) can have a second iced beverage of equal or lesser value at no additional charge ... meaning you’re either going to sip a lot of coffee in one sitting, or you’re going to go splitzies with a friend and share the cost of a single beverage.
There’s also some red tape around how you cash in your second splurge. In a recent press release, Starbucks said the special applies to ‘grande iced espresso beverages.' So if you were thinking about one of Starbucks’ iced teas, a giant Frappuccino, or the new Mango Pineapple Frapp, you’ll have to think again.
The campaign is part of an effort on Starbs’ part to get you to try something new from their seasonal menu — in this case, something iced to fight off those soaring summer temps. The press release offers a few suggestions for customers seeking inspiration, like a summery iced caramel macchiato with raspberry syrup instead of caramel syrup, an Iced caffe Americano with creamy coconut milk, an iced soy latte with toffee syrup, or an iced white chocolate mocha (AKA, dessert in a drink). A note here, though: some of these upgrades might upgrade your bill, too, so be sure to ask about extra charges if you’re getting the BOGO special.