
Bank Of America Windows Broken By Trump Protestors

by Allyson Koerner
Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images

On Friday, Jan. 20, Donald Trump is being sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Unsurprisingly, many are protesting the event and Trump as the country's next leader. For example, inauguration protesters broke windows of a Bank of America in Washington, D.C., Reuters tweeted Friday. "Activists smash window of Bank of America branch in anti-Trump Washington march," the news outlet reported.

Those in D.C. for Inauguration Day shared videos and photos of the broken windows on Twitter. BuzzFeed News reporter Zoe Tillman shared an image of the protesters with the caption, "Protesters smash windows of Bank of America, police moving in." Another Twitter user shared a video of the aftermath of the protest. Not only were windows broken at the Bank of America, but windows of a Starbucks and McDonalds were as well.

The Telegraph reported Friday, "Black clad activists smash shop and car windows in anti-Trump protests." They were reportedly all dressed in black and were spotted smashing shop and car windows. Police allegedly moved in and used pepper spray on the protesters. Tillman shared a photo of police spraying the protesters with a substance.

Tillman also reported that flares were being used. She tweeted, "Protesters are launching flares in the air, it smells like smoke near 13th and I NW." According to Tillman, "Large flash bangs are being set off at 13th and so NW, not clear who is setting them off. Police driving protesters back north." She continued on Twitter, "Protesters saying they've been pepper sprayed, pouring water in their eyes as they head north across Franklin Square."

Tillman, who has been live-tweeting the protest since the beginning, shared, "Have not seen any arrests yet, but they are not letting protesters leave." She also spoke with a police officer. "Asked an officer what we're waiting for," she tweeted. "'No idea,' she says."

At this time, Tillman reports, "Police now have press, bystanders at the other end of the street behind police tape." The situation appears to be ongoing, and, as Tillman tweeted, "Protesters still held in the same spot, surrounded by police (the yellow jackets in the background)."