This Harry Potter Fan Wrote J.K. Rowling A Letter When They Were 11 — They Just Got An Answer

Social media is not typically where I go to find any semblance of "magic." But Harry Potter author J.K Rowling gave fans a small bit of it when she took to the platform to answer a recently unearthed fan letter. Here's how it all went down: Twitter user @SYatigammana tweeted that they were reading their copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince when they turned to the last page and discovered a fan letter they had written to Rowling when they were 11 years old. The fan never mailed the letter to Rowling. But thanks to Twitter, a single photo was good enough to get the author's eyes on it.
Titled "A Letter I Would Like To Give to J.K. Rowling About This Book" and addressed to Mrs. Rowling, Sajini Yatigammana's letter reads:
[Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince spoilers below!]
"I think that this book is AWESOME. Just awesome. How do you even come up with these cool ideas? I would never know I suppose... but I guess I'll live with it. The end was kinda sad because Dumbledore died but if he didn't die the seventh book wouldn't be that good because that is again AWESOME. And I really loved reading it too. Anyway I really really really hope that you will be able to conjure awesome ideas like you have and write another book... I mean after the last book Deathly Hallows and give your fans something to look forward to and enjoy. Thank you!!! P.S. To which house does A.S. Potter get chosen to in Hogwarts in the 19 years later part? I would like to know."
First of all, I am still grinning at the utter adorableness of that letter and, probably much like you right now, am wondering what on Earth I would have written to Rowling had I been in the business of sending fan letters when I was a pre-teen. But the best part of this story is yet to come because through some social media magic I have yet to work out, Rowling was able to wade through what I'm sure are thousands upon thousands of her Twitter mentions to happen upon Yatigammana's letter all these years later... and her response is super sweet.
Rowling tweeted, "Dear Past You, Thank you so much for your letter, which I loved! Now You has sent it to me on a weird thing called Twitter, which I can't explain because we're not allowed many words. But thank you for understanding about Dumbledore. Some don't. Lots of Love, Jo x."
The true lesson here is that it's never too late to send that fan letter you've been holding on to for the past 10+ years. So go dig out that fawning missive you never mailed to your pre-teen idols... you might just get a response.