
Lee's Apology To Rachel On 'The Bachelorette' Didn't Let Him Off The Hook

by Lindsay Denninger
Paul Hebert/ABC

This season of The Bachelorette came with its own set of issues besides the regular old love ones. Lee's racist tweets put a shadow over the whole season, and because they were released after the show had filmed, Rachel wasn't able to react to them until now. The Men Tell All special always drags up the feelings, y'all! Rachel confronted Lee on Monday night, and Lee apologized to Rachel for his racist tweets. It's over, right? Well, he didn't get off that easily.

When asked about Lee's behavior, Rachel said that Lee should have learned from the experience of being around men from different cultures and different backgrounds instead of being the confrontational jerk that he was that whole time (she was right). When Rachel was done schooling Lee (because she is a lawyer and knows how to use her words to maximum advantage), Lee offered up his very own mea culpa:

"Going through that, looking back at it, I want to apologize to you. I… took a situation that was very important to you and very important to a whole lot of people and I didn’t take that initiative to learn and I watched it and it was… goodness. Being here today and being surrounded, I learned how great the people I was with actually are. And I just, I want to apologize to you, too. I’m sorry, Rachel."

Oh, Lee. If only it was that easy. But if you saw Rachel dump DeMario, you know she doesn't suffer fools. Rachel accepted his apology, but she couldn't help but get the last word. She said:

Yeah, thank you. I accept your apology, but like you know, you didn’t need to watch a playback to realize how great [the guys] were. They were great in the house with you. And I just, I hope it expanded your horizons. The world is so much bigger and greater and you were in the house with such great men, and I really, really hope that you take that with you in wherever you go in life.

Hopefully, Lee is as sorry as he says he is and that he's learned from all of this. We'll see.